
Two St. Henry students, Noah Francis (class of 2022) and Faith McNamara (class of 2023), recently completed the prestigious M.O.O.N. program at St. Elizabeth Healthcare. Created by General Surgeon Dr. Ryan Moon, this five-day program introduces teens to the world of healthcare by observing a physician’s day-to-day life. Over 50 St. Elizabeth practitioners allow participants to shadow in practice offices, in inpatient units, and the operating room. Noah and Faith were two of only twenty students selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants from five counties in the Tri-State. Congratulations, Noah and Faith!

Wynnie Serra at the Governor's School for Entrepreneurs.
Information from the Front Office
SHDHS Advisory Board seeks new members with terms from September 2022 through May 2024. The school’s advisory board meets six times a year to provide recommendations for the school's planning, operation, and maintenance. There are openings for parish representatives from Cristo Rey, Saint Barbara, Saint Henry, Saint Paul, Saint Timothy, and Mary, Queen of Heaven. Please contact Jill Felix at jillfelix8@gmail.com for further information. Our first school year meeting is on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:00 pm.
SHDHS no longer has First Friday early dismissal. We will have seven late arrivals on the first Wednesday of the month, beginning in October.
Classes will begin at 9:15 am on the following dates.
October 5
November 2
December 7
January 4
February 1
March 1
April 5
Good news! JostensPIX was recently at SHDHS to photograph picture day, and your student's photos are now available for viewing and ordering!
Click on the button below to get started.
- You can personalize your photos with a variety of backgrounds and text
- Photos are shipped directly to your home
- High-res digital downloads are available
- If you have more than one child, you can order together and pay once
Shadow Visits
SHDHS is happy to announce that we will begin welcoming 8th-grade shadow students beginning on Wednesday, September 14. A Shadow Student visit is a great way for prospective students to see all SHDHS offers. During their visit, prospective students will experience a day in the life of our Crusaders. Shadow Students spend time in our classrooms, meet and talk to various SHDHS faculty and staff, learn the ins and outs of navigating our hallways, share lunch with current students, and much more. If you have an 8th grader or know of a family interested in sending their child to SHDHS, please pass on the information. To sign up for a visit, please click here.

Crusaders of the Week

Mr. Denning and Mrs. Shea nominated Ian Schneidt for Global and Digital Citizenship Crusader of the Week. Ian participates constantly in class, whether offering to answer questions or asking for clarification. He is ready for whatever is coming in a class that shifts focus frequently and has a positive attitude. His involvement in class makes the period better, and all the teachers of the class look forward to the rest of the year. Congratulations Ian!
For AP Literature, any number of students deserve the Crusader of the Week for various reasons; however, this student has shown tremendous growth in her writing and focus since last year. The Crusader of the Week for AP Literature is Chilota Iloegbunam. Even though school has only been in session for three weeks, Chilota has worked to improve her understanding of the content and the quality of her essays. Her bubbly personality brings energy to the class daily, and she is a pleasure to teach. Congratulations, Chilota! Keep up the hard work!
Academic Showcase

Junior Religion classes enjoyed playing a game of red light/green light, using a stop sign during a lesson on sacraments. While signs tell one what to do, they do not empower one to accomplish the action. Sacraments, however, are efficacious signs of an invisible grace, providing the means and the grace to actually do what they signify.
Athletic News
Playing for Purpose games will take place Friday, September 23, at Boone Co. High School. Game times will be 5,6,7:30 pm. All tickets will be sold online this year. The link will be sent out closer to game day.

Varsity Volleyball
Over Labor Day weekend, the Varsity Volleyball team won the silver division of the National Bracket in the Nike Tournament of Champions in Tampa, Fl. The Cru finished 17 out of 32.
They beat: Mountain Brook, AL (6A State Champion), Seacrest Country Day, FL (2A State Champion), and Pensacola Catholic & Winter Park, Fl who is a 7A State contender. We dropped to Santa Fe, Fl, 4A State Champions & Plant, FL, who were 7A State Champions. The team went out with a mission on the court as it was an awesome team effort. The trip was funded by the team members working at volleyball camp and clinic during the spring and summer. Thanks to all for your support and enthusiasm in cheering the Cru to victory!
Freshman boys' basketball
All freshmen must register on Final Forms before trying out and attending the open gyms. Final Forms link https://sthenry-ky.finalforms.com/. If you have any questions, contact: Jim Goetz at jimgoetz22@gmail.com or Jake Goetz at jacobgoetz2@gmail.com.
Open gyms: Saturdays beginning September 24 through October 8, 9:30-11:00 at SHDHS. Tryouts: Begin October 18.

Golfathon is quickly approaching, we have a few spots open for foursomes. All foursome must be reserved by Tuesday, September 13th. REGISTER NOW
The Athletic Department has started an incentive for the athletes to help them reach their team goals. Below is the incentive that was sent out:
There will be a tally kept of the money raised from each team for the next week. This will only include money raised from Thursday, Sept. 8 - Thursday, 15.
The winning team will pick which prize they would like, then second and third.
Prizes are:
- $1,000.00 Gift card to Nike - team will order $1,000.00 worth of clothing for the athletes to keep.
- Each student on the team will receive a $3.00 voucher to use at flex in the Athletic office, after school in the concession stand, and Cru Cafe day( food purchase only).
- $300.00 Gatorade Team package, which will include:
- Muscle Milk
- Gatorade bars
- Team cooler
- Gatorade towels
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Go Cru!
Matt Schneider, mschneider@shdhs.org, Athletic Director
Sue Kolkmeier, skolkmeier@shdhs.org, Administrative Assistant
Campus Ministry

Religion Classes met in the chapel to lift their hearts and voices to God, practicing music for retreats and liturgies led by Mr. Dan Walsh, director of Music at Jesuit Spiritual Center (formerly IHM music teacher).
A message from our Campus Minister
Happy 5th week of school! Students are settling into routines and are getting used to the flow of the school day. Campus Ministry has a few reminders for the upcoming months, especially for Freshman and Sophomore parents. The Freshman retreat is on Thursday, October 6, and the Sophomore retreat is on Thursday, November 10. Both retreats are held during the school day, and the students will be expected to find transportation to Saint Barbara. Students must arrive at Saint Barbara promptly at 8:00 am on their retreat day. Students will also be required to bring their lunch to the retreat. The retreat will conclude at 2:40 pm, and each student will be responsible for finding transportation home. Questions, please email anniepoat@shdhs.org, Campus Minister.
SUMMIT22 Eucharistic Retreat for Youth will be here before you know it! SUMMIT22 is a weekend retreat that leads young people, through prayer and instruction before the Blessed Sacrament, to a personal encounter and ever-deepening union with Jesus Christ. SHDHS would like to send a group of students to this retreat on October 7-9, 2022. One adult (over 21) is required to chaperone every seven students, so if you are interested in chaperoning this retreat, please email anniepoat@shdhs.org. Here is a link to learn more about SUMMIT22 at https://covdio.org/summit22/
Counselors Corner
The Counseling Department has several universities that have requested to meet with interested juniors and seniors during Flex Time. Please encourage your child to visit SCOIR and sign up to meet with the university admissions representative.
Here is the list of universities so far:
- Thursday, August 25 - Eastern Kentucky University
- Tuesday, August 30 - Thomas More University
- Thursday, September 1 - University of Kentucky
- Monday, September 19 - Xavier University
- Tuesday, September 20 - Miami University (Oxford)
- Monday, September 26 - University of Cincinnati
- Tuesday, September 27- University of Louisville
- Monday, October 3- Vanderbilt University
- Tuesday, October 4- Western Kentucky University
- Tuesday, October 11 - Transylvania University
- Tuesday, October 13 - Marian University
- Monday, October 17 - University of Dayton
Juniors interested in applying to the Governor's Scholars Program (GSP) should attend an informational meeting during Flex Time on Wednesday, September 14. Students will receive the GSP packet to take home and review with their family. If you have questions about the Governor's Scholars Program process, please contact Billy Sarge in the Counseling Department.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated throughout the year as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites.
FEC News
PAMPERED CHEF FUNDRAISER Now thru 9/30 - Please click on the following link for more information on our Pampered Chef fundraiser that is active now! There are many incentives for participation, including an out-of-uniform day, tuition credit drawings, and a free cookware drawing! Share with your family and friends and order today! https://www.pamperedchef.com/party/shdhsfec2022
FEC HOMECOMING TAILGATE - 9/29! Mark your calendars for our second annual FEC HOCO Tailgate! The fun starts right after school lets out from 2:30-5:30 and includes food, drinks, snacks, yard games, music, and more! All students, parents, families, and alumni are welcome! The price of admission is once again a donation to GO! Pantry. Please click on the link for more details!
Travel Opportunity Summer 2023

Calling all SHDHS students and parents!
Ever wanted to see the world and experience another culture firsthand? Well, now you can! Pack your bags. After our successful adventures to the British Isles and Italy last summer, we are off to the Swiss Alps and Mediterranean Coast in June 2023!
Come to the information session on Tuesday, September 13 @ 6:30 pm in Room #207 to learn more about our European tour and how you can be a part of it. For more details, RSVP here: https://bit.ly/3R1J8qy. See you all soon! We are excited to have something for our SHDHS community to look forward to. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Kyla Brady (kmbrady@shdhs.org) or Mrs. Katie VonHandorf (kbaker@shdhs.org).
Important Upcoming Dates:
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Additional Resources
We would like to thank all of our sponsors.