Information from the Front Office
Dear Cru Family,
I hope this email finds you and your family doing well. Our faculty and staff are excited about the energy and enthusiasm our students have brought into our building. Our "Cru-Spirit" is shown throughout our campus with school attire and our cheering sections during sporting events.
As the year goes on, faculty and students will face more challenges, but our "Cru-Grit" will persevere during these times. So that you know, vacations are strongly discouraged during instructional time. If a student is absent for an extended period, the parents/guardian must fill out the extended absence form. Please submit this document to the front office five days before the student's absence.
Go Cru!
Mr. Grant Brannen
Shadow Visits
SHDHS is happy to announce that we will begin welcoming 8th-grade shadow students beginning on Wednesday, September 14. A Shadow Student visit is a great way for prospective students to see all SHDHS offers. During their visit, prospective students will experience a day in the life of our Crusaders. Shadow Students spend time in our classrooms, meet and talk to various SHDHS faculty and staff, learn the ins and outs of navigating our hallways, share lunch with current students, and much more. If you have an 8th grader or know of a family interested in sending their child to SHDHS, please pass on the information. To sign up for a visit, please click here.
Crusaders of the Week

Mrs. Coronado nominates Keylee McDaniel Spanish 2 Crusader of the Week. Sometimes, even when you only know someone for a short time, how they handle themselves speaks volumes about their person. Keylee, in my experience with her, has never let circumstances get in the way of the person she wants to be. She has weathered challenges with tremendous dignity and self-possession when life has presented them.
Her level of maturity is beyond her years, and it shows her excellence not only as a student but also as a great person. When people need her, they can call upon her. Felicidades Rosa, don't ever stop being who you are.
Mrs. Heinrich nominates Alaina Fabre for Drama Crusader of the Week. Drama classes are generally difficult for those who are shy; not as willing to come out of their shell. Alaina makes the class feel welcome and is never afraid to answer questions and give her best performance. When she performs on stage for our upcoming musical, I know she will bring light to the performance and be an excellent addition to our Drama program in years to come. She is a great example of true Cru Grit, and I am proud to have her as a student and performer. Congratulations Alaina!
Academic Showcase

The geometry students practiced using protractors this week while reviewing vocabulary and incorporating math and art to create unique stained glass windows.

The STEM students were in the lab this week investigating phase changes. They melted and then cooled cetyl alcohol, a compound used in cosmetics and lotions, to learn about heating and cooling curves. Ask your students what they observed on a graph when they plotted the data they recorded today! Hint: It starts with a “p” and has seven letters. In these pictures, 5th Period STEM Honors is hard at work in the lab, being safe and learning by doing.

Junior Religion Class Project - Holy Symbols
Students completed a unit on sacramental signs with a show and tell assignment. They brought a personal object from home and shared how it was a sign and symbol of something holy.
Athletic News

Coaching Positions needed to be filled:
- Head Bowling Coach for Boys and Girls
- Varsity Assistant Archery Coach Boys and Girls
- Head Softball Coach
- Head Girls Lacrosse Coach
If interested, please contact athletics@shdhs.org.
Freshman boys' basketball
All freshmen must register on Final Forms before trying out and attending the open gyms. Final Forms link https://sthenry-ky.finalforms.com/. If you have questions, contact Jim Goetz at jimgoetz22@gmail.com or Jake Goetz at jacobgoetz2@gmail.com.
Open gyms: Saturdays beginning September 24 through October 8, 9:30-11:00 at SHDHS. Tryouts: Begin October 18.

Playing for a Purpose
All t-shirt orders will be picked up at SHDHS on Tuesday, 9/20, after 2:00 pm. We will have extra shirts sold in the athletic office starting Tuesday, 9/20, for $10 for those who did not place an order last week (as long as supplies last).
To purchase a ticket for the game, the ticket link will open on Tuesday, 9/20 – stays open thru the door closing (6-6:15 pm).
- $9/$4 Ticket prices, six and under are FREE
- Gates open at 4:00 PM
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Go Cru!
Matt Schneider, mschneider@shdhs.org, Athletic Director
Sue Kolkmeier, skolkmeier@shdhs.org, Administrative Assistant
Campus Ministry

Pictured above is from the first all-school Mass on September 2.
Campus ministry has been hopping this week. On Tuesday, ten students helped serve at Rose Garden Mission in Covington. They put these students hard to work and showed Cru-Faith, Cru-Respect, and Cru-Grit. Thank you for all your hard work!
Quick logistical reminder: we will hold the first Junior Retreat at the Jesuit Spiritual Center on September 20-21. Please pray for the students listed below.
Baker, Samuel
Bonno, Morgan
Brockman, Joshua
Chapman Joseph
Collins, Alexandra
Fischer, Emma
Flanagan, Andrew
Francis, Jacob
Gross, Jackson
Gruener, Stephanie
Hayden, Matthew
Helmle, Shane
Hill, Taylor
Keipert, Emma
Lanham, Alyssa
Linkugel, Emma
Lubert, John
Meyer, Jackson |
Milner, Aaron
Neiheisel, Raymond
Noble James
Padgett, Quinn
Parhad, Olivia
Regensburger, Samuel
Reis, Andrew
Reymond, Camryn
Ritchie Evan
Roebker, John
Saadawi, Abdullah
Schmidt, Karla
Shea, Brady
Shea, Carson
Stigall, Samuel
Thelen, Gabriel
Ziolkowski, Keanu |
SUMMIT22 Eucharistic Retreat for Youth will be here before you know it! SUMMIT22 is a weekend retreat that leads young people, through prayer and instruction before the Blessed Sacrament, to a personal encounter and ever-deepening union with Jesus Christ. SHDHS would like to send a group of students to this retreat on October 7-9, 2022. One adult (over 21) is required to chaperone every seven students, so if you are interested in chaperoning this retreat, please email anniepoat@shdhs.org. Here is a link to learn more about SUMMIT22 at https://covdio.org/summit22/
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our life. The mass is followed by a nice reception for students and grandparents.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Counselors Corner
Seniors and Juniors will have the opportunity to meet the following universities in September during Flex Time:
- Monday, September 19 - Xavier University
- Tuesday, September 20 - Miami University (Oxford)
- Thursday, September 22 - Morehead State University
- Monday, September 26 - University of Cincinnati
- Tuesday, September 27 - University of Louisville

St. Henry District High School would like to congratulate Senior Sean Ihrig, who was named a National Merit Semifinalist! Sean is one of 16,000 students invited to continue with the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Competition (NMSC). We would like to congratulate Sean on all his accomplishments and wish him the best as he goes through the NMSC application process.
Juniors were invited to attend a Governor's Scholars Program (GSP) meeting on Wednesday, September 14, where Mr. Sarge distributed information packets and discussed in detail the application process. Juniors who have participated in previous meetings must attend a meeting during Flex Time on Tuesday, September 20, to let the counseling department know if they will apply to GSP or not. Students are asked to see Mr. Sarge if they have questions about GSP or the application process.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated throughout the year as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites.
FEC News

FEC HOMECOMING TAILGATE - 9/29! Mark your calendars for our second annual FEC HOCO Tailgate! The fun starts right after school lets out from 2:30-5:30 and includes food, drinks, snacks, yard games, music, and more! All students, parents, families, and alumni are welcome! The price of admission is once again a donation to GO! Pantry. Please click on the link for more details! The FEC needs several volunteers to help set up and clean up the event. We also need to borrow Yard Games for the event. Please click on the sign-up if you can help! FEC: FEC Hoco Tailgate - Games/Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
PAMPERED CHEF FUNDRAISER Now thru 9/30 - Please click on the following link for more information on our Pampered Chef fundraiser that is active now! There are many incentives for participation, including an out-of-uniform day, tuition credit drawings, and a free cookware drawing! Share with your family and friends and order today! https://www.pamperedchef.com/party/shdhsfec2022
Peer Mentoring

The SHDHS Peer Mentoring Program is led by Elizabeth Tabor. Elizabeth organized a group of 29 students dedicated to offering free mentoring to all students in all content areas. The goal is for each student to reach their full potential through tutoring and mentoring services.
Students can spend all or part of their FLEX Time with a mentor. Quick, in-and-out visits can benefit many students, depending on the situation. If you are interested in peer mentoring, please contact Elizabeth Tabor at tabore.student@shdhs.org.
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
Sept. 19 - Golf-A-Thon, 8:00 am registration, 9:00 am shot gun start
Sept. 20 & 21 - Junior Retreat
Sept. 23 - Playing for A Purpose, game times are 5,6, and 7:30 pm at Boone County HS
Sept. 26-30 - Spirit Week/OOU
Sept. 29 - Crunite (7th & 8th graders), Homecoming games, Senior Night, Homecoming court presentation
Sept. 30 - 1:00 pm Dismissal
Sept. 30 - Homecoming, Receptions Event Center, 7-10:00 pm (Tickets will go on sale 9/20)
Oct. 1 - BINGO, 4:30 pm
Oct. 5 - Late arrival, 9:15 am
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Additional Resources
We would like to thank all of our sponsors.