
PJ DAY! Pancake breakfast was provided by STUCO on September 29.
Information from the Front Office
Some classes require students to purchase workbooks and supplementary materials. Items were available in their classrooms during the first week of school. Invoices were emailed through your FACTS account on September 13 and are due by October 14. If you have questions, please get in touch with Toni Lehan at tlehan@shdhs.org.
Calendar Update:
Added to the calendar, Monday, November 14, will be a late arrival day, 9:15 am.
Crusaders of the Week

Mr. Faust nominates Faith McNamara for Economics Crusader of the Week. Faith brings a pleasant attitude and a smile to class every day. Faith is self-motivated and willing to work very hard to succeed. One of her greatest attributes is her attention to detail. She is very attentive and inquisitive in class. Congratulations Faith!
Congratulations to Gwenyth Brown for being Crusader of the Week for Religion 1. Mrs. Tobergte nominates Gwen because of her strong faith and willingness to share her faith in class. Gwenyth contributes to class discussions by adding insight and background knowledge about our Catholic faith. Gwenyth's faith shines at school and outside of class as she participates in Eucharistic Adoration opportunities offered by her parish's youth group. She is a great student, responsible with her work, and respectful of her fellow students. Congratulations again Gwenyth, on being Crusader of the Week. Thank you for living the words of St. Catherine of Siena, "Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire."
Lilly Stocker is nominated by Mrs. Michele Ryan and Mrs. Laci Shea for being an exemplary student. Lilly takes ownership of her academics by focusing on her studies, preparing for upcoming tests and quizzes in advance, and communicating effectively with her teachers. Lilly is calm, focused, and a resource for her classmates. Lilly also volunteers her time during Flex to help in the Cru Cafe. Although it has only been a few short weeks, Lilly stands out as a disciplined student with Cru Grit and intrinsically wants to succeed. Congratulations, Lilly, and keep up the great work!
Academic Showcase

Mr. Tom Tally joined Broadcast and Digital Design students to teach students how to whiten teeth, erase blemishes, change lighting settings, modify images' backgrounds, and color saturation while using Adobe Photoshop. Thank you, Mr. Tally, for donating your time so students get real-life experience.

Honors geometry students started a unit on deductive reasoning by playing Uno. Deductive reasoning uses rules to draw conclusions. This is a great way to introduce proofs!

Senior Megan Wulfeck and her horse Presley study histology for the Human Anatomy and Physiology lab test on tissues. Students complete the tissues unit with a lab-based test, looking at 26 different tissue samples under the microscope and identifying each. This type of lab test is common in most college science classes, and Megan and Presley did a great job preparing!

The Advanced Topics math class did a Barbie Bungee activity to practice their linear regression and prediction skills.
Athletic News
Swim/ Dive information meeting on Monday, October 3 at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria. If you cannot attend the meeting, please reach out to Coach Dressman at mdressman.athy@shdhs.org.

Campus Ministry

Junior retreatants set out on a journey of contemplation, growing closer to their classmates, having fun, and witnessing Jesus through prayer exercises and plenty of team-building games.
Counselors Corner
Scholarship Update
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated throughout the year as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing.

College Application Week
St. Henry Seniors have already begun applying to college! SHDHS hosted its first College Application Week from August 2 through August 5. On August 2, 56 seniors attended the College Application Day. On August 4 and 5, 30 seniors attended the College Essay Workshop. The SHDHS Counseling and English Departments collaborated to give our seniors a great head start on their applications.
These seniors gave up some last summer days and worked diligently and enthusiastically. They all made great progress on applications and constructing meaningful, impactful college essays. We are all looking forward to a great senior year!
FEC News
PAMPERED CHEF FUNDRAISER- We have 50 families participating, and our sales are over $3300! Our goal is $10K (to help the FEC cover costs of all we do for FREE for our students, faculty, and community), so we are about 100 orders shy of our goal. If you have already placed your order, thank you! If you have not, we would appreciate your support. Order here https://www.pamperedchef.com/party/shdhsfec2022
As a reminder:
- Earn a ticket to the grand prize for each order.
- Earn an out-of-uniform day per family for an order.
- Earn bonus tickets for the grand prize drawing for $300 tuition credit for every $50 in orders.
- Free gift for $80 in orders.
- Free gift and free shipping for $150 in orders.
Grand Prizes:
- 2 $300 tuition credits given to 2 SHDHS families
- One winner can win one piece or set of cookware!
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
October 1 - BINGO, 4:30 pm
October 5 - Late arrival, 9:15 am
October 6 - Freshman Retreat - St. Barbara's Sterling Center, 7:45 am
October 12 - PSAT Juniors and Sophomores
October 13 - Benefactors Breakfast and Fall Awards
October 14 - No Classes
October 18 - ACT District Choice Exam
October 19 - Picture Retake Day
October 20 - Trunk or Treat, 6:00 pm
October 23 - Cadet Debut Concert
October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
October 31 - Costume Contest
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our life. The mass is followed by a nice reception for students and grandparents.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.