Dear SHDHS Parents and Students,
The SHDHS Athletic Boosters Club needs your help. As some may or may not know, the Boosters Club took over the outside concession stand management this year. We've had a very successful season raising money for our athletic teams. We'd like to thank all of you that have volunteered this season to help us.
However, our season is not over yet. With Kings Hammer using our facilities on the weekends for games and tournaments, this gives us a unique opportunity to continue running concessions for their games through mid-November. This is great news as it allows us to continue raising money for our athletic teams and goals.
The Boosters are also excited to announce that we will allow any student to work in the concession stand to earn White Service Hours. This is a great opportunity for all of us to work together, build a sense of team, and get our students involved while learning real-life business operations/management.
We want to welcome all parents and students that want to help and volunteer to sign up. To view a complete list of dates and times, click here:
We appreciate your time and support.
Thank you,
Jim Demler
Athletic Director
St. Henry District High School
3755 Scheben Drive
Erlanger, KY 41018