
2021-2022 - Underclassman Awards, Thursday, October 13 - St. Scholastica Awards
The St. Scholastica Award is the highest academic honor for underclassmen at SHDHS. The students receiving this award demonstrated their mastery of multiple subjects and were nominated for several course awards by their teachers in various disciplines. In an unusual turn of events, ten students earned this award for their incredible performance last year. It is rare for more than five students to achieve this honor in a given year, but these ten students have earned it. It cannot be overstated how impressive their performance has been; they are determined, consistent, and intelligent young men and women.
Jason Bish
Jason is receiving the St. Scholastica award for excelling in Beginning Band, Religion I, Biology Honors, and Global and Digital Citizenship.
Elizabeth Casey
Lizzie is receiving this award for her outstanding performance in English I, Algebra I, and Explorations in STEM Honors.
Nathan Francis
Nathan is receiving this award for his excellence in English I Honors, Spanish I Honors, AP Human Geography, and Biology Honors.
Grace Gulla
Grace is receiving this award for her exceptional performance in Health, Algebra II Honors, English I Honors, Latin I Honors, Religion I, Biology Honors, and Global and Digital Citizenship.
Magdalene Jump
Magdalene is receiving this award for her mastery of Art I, Explorations in STEM, Algebra I, and AP Human Geography.
Stefany Nix
Stefany is receiving the St. Scholastica award for her outstanding performance in English I Honors, Algebra II Honors, Global and Digital Citizenship, Health, and Religion I.
Molly Krallman
Molly is receiving this award for her exceptional performance in Latin I Honors, English II Honors, AP World History, and Religion II.
Emma Linkugel
Emma is receiving this award for her mastery of English II Honors, Art II, Latin I, and AP World History.
Austin Cutcher
Austin is receiving this award for his outstanding performance in Accounting I, Precalculus Honors, and Physics Honors.
Ella Rolfsen
Ella is receiving the St. Scholastica award for excelling in Spanish III Honors, Algebra II Honors, AP US History, AP Psychology, and English III Honors.

Congrats to Warm 98.5 Teacher of the Week, Mr. Dave Faust. Jennifer Felix, the youngest of eight children attending SHDHS (except 1) and had Mr. Faust as a teacher, nominated Mr. Faust for Teacher of the Week. Mr. Faust said, "I feel like a million bucks."

On Thursday, October 13, SHDHS celebrated our generous scholarship supporters at the 2022 Benefactor Breakfast. This event recognizes donors who have endowed a scholarship at SHDHS and established and personally funded an SHDHS scholarship. This annual breakfast is an excellent opportunity for SHDHS honorary and memorial scholarship recipients to meet the benefactors who support their Catholic education. This year's event recognized supporters of the Charlotte Ruehl Flynn Memorial Scholarship, the June Kohorst Kroger Memorial Scholarship, the Sara Meineke Memorial Scholarship, the Stan Robinson Memorial Scholarship, the Brent Rouse Memorial Scholarship, the Bill Tobergte Memorial Scholarship, the Beth Wendling Memorial Scholarship, the Nick Wilde Memorial Scholarship, the Susan Wolff Memorial Scholarship, the Knights of St. John Honorary Scholarship, and the St. Vincent de Paul Honorary Scholarship.
Information from the Front Office
Save the Date: Open House November 13
If you or someone you know has a middle school student, please plan to join us on Sunday, November 13, 2022, for the SHDHS 2022 Open House. This is an excellent opportunity for middle school families and families or prospective transfer students to learn about all that SHDHS has to offer.
Families can:
- Tour campus
- Meet faculty, staff, and coaches
- Explore the CRU's exceptional academic, fine art, athletic, extracurricular, & faith opportunities
Every Eighth grader who attends will be automatically registered to win a $500 SHDHS TUITION CREDIT. Look for more details, including a registration link, later this month.
Calendar Update:
Added to the calendar, Monday, November 14, will be a late arrival day, 9:15 am.
Retake Picture Day: October 19
Students absent on August 22, "Picture Day," will need to get their picture taken on October 19.
Yearbooks for the Class of 2022 will be available in the front office beginning on Monday, October 10, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Crusader club, activity, and athletic team members will be handing out treats from their "trunks" in our school's side parking lot during this fun, family-friendly event (weather permitting)!
All toddler, preschool, and grade school families who pre-register
will receive a FREE Crusader cinch bag for each child...perfect for holding all of their treats!
Questions? Please get in touch with us at 859.525.0255 or enrollment@shdhs.org.
Trunk or Treat Donations
The Enrollment Department needs bags of individually wrapped candy for our "Trunk or Treat" event on October 20. It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider donating a bag of candy for this event. We have invited more than 1,600 potential Future Crusaders (toddlers thru 8th graders) to "Trunk or Treat" with us on our campus. Every Crusader club and the athletic team will decorate a car/truck and hand out candy. Last year we had over 200 families attend...and we expect an even larger response for this year's event. Thank you in advance for your support!
Crusaders of the Week

The Crusader of the Week for English I Honors is Evan Parhad. Evan comes to class ready to participate and engage with his classmates and teachers. He works well with others in small group settings and stays focused and on task. He always offers insightful commentary in class discussions and in his writing and demonstrates the sophistication of thought in both. He treats those in class with respect and courtesy and is a pleasure to teach. Congratulations Evan!
The Crusader of the Week for World History is Stefany Nix. Mr. Graue notes that Stef is an absolute pleasure to have in class. She is an extremely hard worker and has a keen interest in and insight into history. She is always willing to participate and help other students. With her academic achievement, Stef always has a smile and a fantastic attitude every day. Thank you, Stef, and keep up the great work!
Academic Showcase/Clubs

Psychology students build neurons from items in their backpacks.

Culinary Club PASTA Making Event
On October 5 and 7, 53 members of the Culinary Club learned to make homemade pasta. Club members made tortellini, ravioli, spaghetti, fettuccine, and bow-tie pasta from scratch with just three ingredients. It was delicious! Special thanks to Chefs Summy and Coronado for all of their help. Our next event is French Macarons in late October.
Athletic News
There will be a parent/student Archery meeting Tuesday, October 18, in the cafeteria at 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend, please reach out to Head Coach Chris Ernst at cernst.ath@shdhs.org.
The Athletic Department has the following open coaching positions:
- Head Boys/Girls Bowling Coach
- Head Fastpitch Softball Coach
- Head Girls Lacrosse Coach
If you are interested in any position, please send a resume to athletics@shdhs.org.
Freshman boys' basketball - The last open gym is this Saturday, October 15, 7:00 am-8:15 am at SHDHS. Tryouts begin Monday, October 17, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the SHAC for anyone not participating in a fall sport. Fall sports participants see Mr. Faust after their season is completed. All participants must have signed up on Final Forms before trying out. Final Forms: https://sthenry-ky.finalforms.com/
Campus Ministry

On Tuesday, October 11, Students gave out "Donuts for Life," and Wednesday, October 12, Students put crosses in the circle to represent the many lives lost each day in the U.S. to abortion.
October is Respect Life Month. Every October, we consider why every human Life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects Life from conception to natural death. Crusaders for Life will participate in many events throughout October to raise awareness and learn more about how to help the vulnerable in our community.

"Education is not about knowing things or taking lessons but about being able to use three lingos: those of the head, the heart, and the hands... learning so that you can think about what you feel and do, can feel what you think and do, and can do what you feel and think. Unity within a person." Pope Francis
Counselors Corner
FEC News
CRU BASH PLANNING MEETING - The FEC will be holding a kick-off meeting to start planning the upcoming in-person parent CRU BASH (on 2/17 at Receptions in Erlanger) on Tuesday, 10/25, at 6:30 in the Media Center. Anyone interested in helping with the event (registrations, advertisement, decorations, entertainment, games/raffles, specialty drinks/bourbon tastings, etc.) are encouraged to attend. Please get in touch with Elaine Stich at etuschong@yahoo.com with questions or more information.
After a three-year hiatus, we're thrilled to announce that the "BASH" portion of the 2023 CRU BID & BASH will be held in person! This fun event, sponsored by our FEC, will be held at Receptions in Erlanger on Friday, February 17, 2023 (more details will be sent at a later date).
Leading up to the FEC-sponsored "BASH," our Advancement Department will be sharing ways for you to support the CRU through a variety of online "BID" opportunities, including our annual $10K Raffle, Best of Bid & Bash Raffle, Virtual Silent Auction, and much more.
Today, we're getting things started with a very special CRU BID & BASH "Gift Card Basket" Raffle.
For just $20 per ticket, one lucky winner will take home over 30 different gift cards from retailers, restaurants, home improvement stores, entertainment platforms, and more valued at over $1,000.
We will sell only 250 tickets for this special raffle, so be sure and get yours today before they're gone (http://e.givesmart.com/events/t03/page/gift-card-raffle).
Raffle tickets will be available until midnight on Monday, October 17 (or until they are sold out, whichever comes first). The drawing will be posted to our school's Facebook page at approximately noon on Tuesday, October 18, 2022.
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Charitable Gaming License No. 0286.
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
October 18 - ACT District Choice Exam
October 19 - Picture Retake Day
October 20 - Trunk or Treat, 6:00 pm
October 23 - Cadet Debut Concert, 2:00 pm
October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
October 31 - Costume Contest
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. The mass is followed by a nice reception for students and grandparents.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.