
The Winner of the Gift Card Raffle was Geri Aftanski. Geri is new to the Cru Family and a parent of a Sophomore. Welcome to the Cru Family, Geri, and Congratulations!

Trunk or Treat
Last week, SHDHS Clubs and Athletic Teams welcomed the families of close to 400 little trick-or-treaters for this year's Crusader Trunk or Treat. Thank you to all our students, faculty moderators, and coaches for making this community event a huge success.

Students helped donate 150 boxes of cereal for the Emergency Shelter of NKY during Red Ribbon Week!
Information from the Front Office
Dear Senior Parents
On October 25, Graduate service was at SHDHS to measure Seniors for their caps, gown, and tassel. You do not need to order or pay for the cap and gown or tassel the school covers that cost. Students will get to keep their cap and tassel but must return the gown. A packet was sent home with your son/daughter if you want to order announcements or other additional items for graduation. Graduate service will be back at the school on November 9 during lunch to take orders. You also can order items at https://smartshare.herffjones.com/.
Open House November 13
If you or someone you know has a middle school student, please plan to join us on Sunday, November 13, 2022, for the SHDHS 2022 Open House. This is an excellent opportunity for middle school families and prospective transfer students to learn about all SHDHS offers.
Families can:
- Tour campus
- Meet faculty, staff, and coaches
- Explore the CRU's exceptional academic, fine art, athletic, extracurricular, & faith opportunities
Every Eighth grader who attends will be automatically registered to win a $500 SHDHS TUITION CREDIT.
Open-House Parent Volunteers needed
We are looking for six parent volunteers to help during Open House on Sunday, November 13, from 12:30 pm until 4:00 pm. Any parent who's interested in helping can email enrollment@shdhs.org.
High School Placement Test HSPT (PREP)
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) will take place on December 10, 2022, at Saint Henry District High School. The workshop dates will be November 29 and December 6 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at SHDHS. The cost for both classes is $51.50. Students will attend both prep sessions. Students should bring pencils or pens and a bottle of water – no calculators allowed. A small snack will be provided, but students are encouraged to bring snacks. Please click here to register.
If you have any questions regarding the HSPT Prep Sessions, please contact Polyana Seguim at pseguim@shdhs.org.
Diocese of Covington School lunch charging Policy for School Meals. Please click here to review the current school lunch charging policy. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Miller, Cafeteria Manager, at Dmiller@shdhs.org.
Calendar Update:
Added to the calendar, Monday, November 14, will be a late arrival day, 9:15 am.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
Crusaders of the Week

Crusader of the Week Luke Daniels lights up the room when he walks into Health class. Luke's strong desire to learn and enthusiastic personality adds much life to Health class discussions. Even though his true love is history and states, Luke still listens intently and participates with positive information. Luke is always pleasant and has a contagious smile when he walks into room 326. He always asks questions, involves himself in class discussions, works hard on getting organized, and has a strong desire to learn and improve academically. Congrats, Luke Daniels; Mrs. Kaiser appreciates your efforts and positivity in the Health classroom.
Ms. Poly nominates Sam Lunnemann for Crusader of the Week for Computer Science Honors. Sam is a focused student. He is constantly ahead of the curriculum and finds a way to take each topic above and beyond. Sam is very empathetic and continually tries to find ways to make each moment better for everyone around him. His passion is palpable, and Ms. Poly hopes every teacher gets a chance to teach a student like Sam. Congratulations, Sam!
Academic Showcase/Clubs

The STEM students were in the lab this week examining the physical and chemical changes of salt, sugar, cornstarch, and baking soda. Then they tested Mystery Substance A or B and used their observations to determine which two known substances were in their unknown. Parents, ask your students what was in their mystery substance and what they learned in this lab. These pictures are of first-period STEM rocking the world with their lab skills.
Athletic News
Girls Soccer 2022 Year In Review
What a year! Congratulations to all three teams! The Lady Cru soccer program represented well at all levels this year. Varsity ended the season at 13-6-2, making it to the Region 9 semi-finals. All aspects of the team improved this year due to Senior leadership and a focus on "Team First," gritty play, and never quitting. This team battled to the end of every game, especially our last one; we can all be very proud of these Crusaders!
Boys Soccer 2022 Year In Review
The 2022 St. Henry Boys Soccer program finished their season as District runner-ups advancing to the Regional tournament, where they lost in a match-up to the 9th region champion, Ryle. With the Freshman team losing in a close match-up in the freshman regional finals, the future of Crusader soccer is bright! Thanks to the seven seniors that helped lead this team to a great season and show the youth of the program what it meant to be a Crusader.
Fall Sports Banquet
The Fall Sports Banquet will take place on Wednesday, November 9th 7:00p in the Auditorium. Join us for a night of celebration as we recognize the accomplishments of our fall student-athletes. Light desserts and refreshments will be provided.
Meet the Coach/AD - Winter Sports
The winter Parent/Coaches meeting will be held on Monday, November 21, at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. This meeting is for Winter Athletes/Parents only. Please make every effort to attend. We will begin with general athletic housekeeping items in the Auditorium; teams will break out from there to smaller meeting spaces to meet the team.
Current Job Openings
The athletic department has the following job openings for 2023:
Softball - Head Coach
Girls Lacrosse - Head Coach
If you or someone you know may be interested, please get in touch with Mr. Schneider at mschneider@shdhs.org.
Campus Ministry

Monday Motivational Munchies
A group of students gathered in Campus Ministry to start Monday's Motivational Munchies. Students prayed together, snacked on some food, and encouraged and shared their sources of strength.
Student service hours are due soon - November 30! We still have students looking for opportunities to do red service hours (serving the poor and marginalized). We are looking for parents to help chaperone and come up with red service hour events. If you know of a good non-profit agency in need of student helpers and you are interested in chaperoning a group of students, please email me at anniepoat@shdhs.org.
The sophomore retreat is coming up soon! Below is a list of details.
Day & Time: Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 8 am - 2:30 pm
Location: St. Barbara Church - Sterling Event Center
Address: 4042 Turkeyfoot Rd, Erlanger, KY 41018
Transportation - NOT provided by SHDHS.
- Parents take students directly to the retreat at St. Barbara Church (Do NOT go to SHDHS).
- Pick up at the exact location.
- Arrive between 7:45 - 8:00 am (not before)
- Pick up between 2:20 - 2:40 pm
- Bring a lunch and drink
Counselors Corner

On Tuesday, October 25, eleven students represented SHDHS at the inaugural Northern Kentucky Regional Youth Summit – Vaping/Tobacco Prevention. The summit is a collaborative effort of many agencies working in Northern Kentucky around youth substance abuse prevention. It was an excellent opportunity for our students to build leadership and advocacy skills to help in the fight against nicotine/vaping.
SHDHS Financial Aid Night
Thank you to everyone who attended the SHDHS Financial Aid Night on Wednesday, and a special thank you to Joe Fries from Sallie Mae, who gifted us with his expertise. If you were unable to attend, the presentation has been recorded! Feel free to contact Mr. Reeves or Mr. Sarge with any questions! Remember to check the Scholarship Update as we continually add scholarship opportunities.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated throughout the year as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Parents of students taking an AP class this year, please read the letter in the link below regarding AP Exam registration. Information has been sent to all AP students as well. The deadline to register is November 3 for the May exams. Please get in touch with Mrs. Lonneman at alonneman@shdhs.org with any questions.
Governor's School for Entrepreneurs
The Governor's School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) is a three-week summer program for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Students will learn about entrepreneurship, working in teams, and developing leadership skills while creating a service or project. GSE will be held on the campus of Northern Kentucky University.
The GSE application will open on November 14, 2022, and closes on January 23, 2023. Visit www.kentuckygse.com for more information.
Commonwealth Honors Academy
The application for the Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA) is now open! CHA is a three-week program held on the campus of Murray State University for high school students who completed their junior year. This program is for students who are actively involved with their academics and extracurriculars and want to network with other students with similar interests. Students will take classes taught by university professors and earn college credit!
To learn more about the Commonwealth Honors Academy, access the application, and view the requirements, please visit www.murraystate.edu/cha. The deadline is March 15, 2023.
CRU Band Awards

Musicianship Award
The Crusader Band recognizes Charlie Bihl with a Musicianship Award. Selection is based primarily on the precepts of the Crusader Band Pledge (reverence, good character, commitment, and excellence). The award recipient should demonstrate an ongoing commitment to their personal growth as a musician and the band's growth. They should also demonstrate dependability, enthusiasm, and loyalty.

Citizenship Award
The Crusader Band recognizes Nicholas Parnitzke with a Special Citizenship Award. Selection is based on the precepts of the Crusader Band Pledge (reverence, good character, commitment, and excellence) and the fruit of the Spirit as listed in the 5th chapter of Galatians (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). Also, consider the following attributes of good citizenship: helpful, friendly, courteous, respectful, and kind.
Drees Home Auditoirium

SHDHS 2022-2023 Theater Announcements
SHDHS proudly presents the following productions during the 2022-2023 Theater Season.
Fall Musical: "The Wizard of Oz" (November 18-20)
Spring Play: "A Highschooler's Guide to the Galaxy" (March 24-26)
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
October 31 - Costume Contest
November 1 - All Saints Day - No classes
November 2 - Late Arrival 9:15 am
November 4 - Dragonfly Dance, 6- 9 pm
November 5 - BINGO, 4:30 pm
November 8 - FEC Meeting, 7:00 pm
November 9 - Graduate Service visits Seniors to take orders for Senior items
November 10 - Sophomore Retreat - St. Barbara's Sterling Center
November 12 - Open House, 1:00- 4:00 pm
November 18, 19 & 20 - Fall Musical
November 18, 19 & 20 - Alumni Art Show
November 23-25 -Thanksgiving Break
November 29 - HSPT Prep class 1, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. The mass is followed by a nice reception for students and grandparents.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.