
On November 4, SHDHS celebrates an All School Mass.

Students share their sources of strength in Religion class!

Transfer Student Meetings
SHDHS has its monthly transfer students meeting. Transfer students were taught with student-led programming everything a transfer student would need to know about SHDHS, and then they took some time to have a little fun. This month was a mummy contest followed by cookie cake! The students had fun, got to know some of their classmates better, and, hopefully, can feel even more connected to SHDHS.
Information from the Front Office

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 6, at 2:00 am. Remember to turn your clocks back.
In October, SHDHS gave out awards to students for their performance during the 2021-2022 Academic Year. The yearly Underclassmen Awards Ceremony honors SHDHS students based on their performance in the areas of Faith, Scholarship, and Service. Please join us in congratulating these students for their excellence. Click here to view the Fall Awards.
Open House November 13
If you or someone you know has a middle school student, please plan to join us on Sunday, November 13, 2022, for the SHDHS 2022 Open House. Open House is an excellent opportunity for middle school families and prospective transfer students to learn about all SHDHS offers.
Families can:
- Tour campus
- Meet faculty, staff, and coaches
- Explore the CRU's exceptional academic, fine art, athletic, extracurricular, & faith opportunities
Every Eighth grader who attends will be automatically registered to win a $500 SHDHS TUITION CREDIT.
- Registration for the High School Placement Test (HSPT) will open on Monday, November 7.
- The HSPT will be administered on Saturday, December 10. Click here to register.
- If your student has a current formalized education plan (i.e., ALP, IEP, 504, etc.) and plans to request accommodations for the HSPT, they must be pre-registered by December 1, and the Accommodations option must be selected (this allows time for a thorough review of records for accommodation planning purposes). A PDF copy of the current plan must be uploaded at the time of registration.
- The registration deadline for those requesting an audio reader is November 21 (to allow time for those materials to be ordered). If you have specific questions regarding accommodations, please contact Laci Shea (lshea@shdhs.org).
- Scholarships, beginning at 25% of Tuition & Fees, will be awarded to students whose test results fall within the top 10% of tests administered at SHDHS (the total number of scholarships offered will vary based upon the number of students who test at SHDHS). Per diocesan guidelines, SHDHS can only offer merit-based HSPT Scholarships to students who take the HSPT at St. Henry District High School.
Also, if you’ve not yet had a chance to register for the optional 2-Day HSPT Prep Workshop, you can still do so.
- The optional 2-Day HSPT Prep Workshop will be held on Thursday, November 29 & Thursday, December 6. Click here to register.
- The workshop costs $51.50 per student for both classes.
Calendar Update:
Added to the calendar, Monday, November 14, will be a late arrival day, 9:15 am.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
Crusaders of the Week

Mrs. Michele Ryan and Mrs. Laci Shea are proud to recognize Sam Brown as Crusader of the Week. In his short time at SHDHS, Sam has emulated what it means to be a Crusader. Sam treats his teachers and fellow students with respect, as he comes to class prepared and is always willing to help answer a question about an assignment or lend a fellow student his Chromebook charger. Sam has remained focused academically while playing soccer, meeting his weekly goals and making adjustments when needed. Most of all, Sam has shown CRU grit when faced with obstacles and met these challenges with humility. We are proud of you, Sam - keep up the excellent work!
The Crusader of the Week for Mr. Gish's Accounting I class is John Lubert. John brings meaningful questions to class discussions and exhibits critical thinking when analyzing business financials. He is always willing to help other students improve their understanding of accounting concepts. John displays a Christian attitude through his kindness and respect for his peers. Congratulations John! It is truly a pleasure to have John in my Accounting class.
Academic Showcase/Clubs

AP BIO students completed a lab using statistical analysis on the number of seeds in a pumpkin vs. the number of pumpkin ribs. They followed it up by carving with a scientific theme.

Anatomy students get super serious about Halloween and the skeletal system by learning all the bones and many bone markings in preparation for the final skeleton lab practical!

Ping Pong Tournament a Success!
Ping Pong Club is one of SHDHS' newest clubs! The Ping Pong Club held a Halloween Tournament where students competed against one another for a Chipotle gift card! The champion then competed against either Miss. Vollmer or Mr. Carbwood to win another gift card! Congrats to Eli Abdrabbo, who was our student champion! He won 4 games in the student competition and narrowly beat Miss Vollmer 21-19! We look forward to having more tournaments for students in the future!

Culinary Club makes French Macarons!
On October 25 & 28, guest Chef Toni Holian taught 55 members of the Culinary Club to make French Macarons. Our following recipe is fall-themed hand pies.

Global and Digital Video Editing Session
All Global and Digital students completed a 2-week session led by Ms. Poly on video editing using WeVideo. Students spent one week learning the tool and terminology and one-week researching information about a US state and creating a video of its natural resources and economy.
Athletic News

Senior Mandy Schlueter was selected for the Girl's HS Soccer All-America Game.
Senior Mandy Schlueter has been selected as one of the country's top 43 girls' soccer players to participate in the All-American game presented by Bimbo. Forty-Three of the nation's elite girl high school soccer players from fall playing states and six of the nation's elite coaches will participate in the Tenth Annual High School All-American Game sponsored by Bimbo Bakeries, Capelli Sport, and Continental Tire on December 10, 2022, in Panama City Beach, FL. The players selected are seniors who have finished their high school careers and represent their high school teams during the fall. These players have achieved many regional and national awards and will attend some of the top universities across the country.
Congratulations Mandy!
Athletics Winter Sports Photo
Winter Sports Picture Day will take place on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 starting at 2:45 pm at SHDHS. Information about specific times will be communicated to coaches as the date approaches. All orders must be submitted through the form below. Please do not print the PDF form as an order form CT Photography Order Form PDF. Orders will be accepted until Monday, November 14th, 2022. Checks are to be made payable to CT Photography Group Inc. Payments are due on Picture Day. https://shdhs.org/sports-ordering-form/
(Teams: Boys Basketball, Diving, eSports, Girls Basketball, and Swimming)
Girls Cross Country recap
The girl's cross-country team had a great season. We won the panda classic and Diocese this year. We also placed better than last year at almost all other meets. We ended our season with a third-place finish at the state meet. With all our success, the most important was the bonds the girls formed and the fun we all had.
Boys Cross Country Recap
The Crusaders began the season ranked 3rd in Class A. We started the year on June 6 and got right to work. The team instantly bonded, and we worked hard and played hard. We took trips to Bluegrass Running Camp, a canoe trip, a pool party, an outdoor movie night, a water balloon relay, and several other fun activities. After the dead period, we kicked off our season with the traditional midnight run, a 2-mile out and back from the old St. Henry High School. We stressed the importance of daily practice and holding each other accountable. Summer practices were going great, and the team showed up and got the mileage in together. Our team started the season great at our first (Tiger Run) race! We had fast times out of our team and competed well with some big schools. We kept the momentum going, went to the Ryle Invitational the following week, and won 1st place as a team. The following week we went back down to Louisville and competed at Rumble. This was a turning point because we raced well against some fast teams and won 1st place. At this point, I could tell that this team was going to do big things this year. We ran at SNL and the NKAC. In both of these races, we dealt with some issues. We dealt with sickness and fatigue. We lost the conference meet, but I was confident we would bounce back for the Diocese and Regionals. At Diocese, we won a closely contested match against Villa. It was a big momentum swing from this point on to the end of the season. When we lined up at Regionals, we dropped the hammer. We won by 20 points, and our team was dialed in. At the state meet, we felt confident. We felt that Highlands Latin was our biggest competition. The gun went off, and Dixon took control of the race. Our top 5 were through the mile in under 5:20. They didn't let up. We put four guys in the top 15 and dominated the race, winning by 50 points. Dixon was the overall Class A champion with a time of 16:03. It was a fantastic performance by the team, and I can't thank my coaching staff and parents enough for their support all season.
Volleyball Recap
2022 brought some excellent and competitive volleyball to all three Crusader volleyball teams. A big highlight of the season was competing in the Nike Tournament of Champions in Tampa (August). It was a fantastic experience for players, staff, and parents. The squad captured the District Championship Title but dropped to the Pandas of NDA in an epic 4th set by a score of 36-34 in the Regional Tournament. The varsity volleyball team completed their season with an impressive 25-8 record. The JV team was just as amazing with a 17-5 record, while the first-year team had a history of 18-2, dropping only to Assumption & Ursula. Thanks to all for your support and enthusiasm this entire season.
The Fall Sports Banquet will take place on Wednesday, November 9, at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. Join us for a night of celebration as we recognize the accomplishments of our fall student-athletes. Light desserts and refreshments will be provided.
Meet the Coach/AD - Winter Sports
The winter Parent/Coaches meeting will be held on Monday, November 21, at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. This meeting is for Winter Athletes/Parents only. Please make every effort to attend. We will begin with general athletic housekeeping items in the Auditorium; teams will break into smaller meeting spaces to meet the team.
Current Job Openings
The athletic department has the following job openings for 2023:
Softball - Head Coach
Girls Lacrosse - Head Coach
If you or someone you know may be interested, please get in touch with Mr. Schneider at mschneider@shdhs.org.
Campus Ministry
Prayer for All Souls Day:
Good and gracious God, we pray as one family for the souls of the just that they may experience the eternal glory of heaven with the angels and saints. Help us and all those who grieve to draw near to You, trusting in Your consolation and peace. Amen.
This a reminder that service hours are due by November 30. Each student must have ten service hours completed, five of those being "red service" - working with the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized. All red services must be with a non-profit agency.
This semester Campus Ministry has offered service opportunities with Rose Garden Mission, Go Pantry, Be Concerned, SHDHS, Saint Barbara, and many other agencies, schools, and civic centers. Always check the Community Page in Schoology for new opportunities.
The sophomore retreat is next week! Below is a list of details.
Day & Time: Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 8 am - 2:30 pm
Location: St. Barbara Church - Sterling Event Center
Address: 4042 Turkeyfoot Rd, Erlanger, KY 41018
Transportation - NOT provided by SHDHS.
- Parents take students directly to the retreat at St. Barbara Church (Do NOT go to SHDHS).
- Pick up at the exact location.
- Arrive between 7:45 - 8:00 am (not before)
- Pick up between 2:20 - 2:40 pm
- Bring a lunch and drink
Counselors Corner
SHDHS Financial Aid Night
Thank you to everyone who attended the SHDHS Financial Aid Night on Wednesday, and a special thank you to Joe Fries from Sallie Mae, who gifted us with his expertise. If you were unable to attend, the presentation has been recorded! Feel free to contact Mr. Reeves or Mr. Sarge with any questions! Remember to check the Scholarship Update as we continually add scholarship opportunities.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated yearly as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Governor's School for Entrepreneurs
The Governor's School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) is a three-week summer program for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. Students will learn about entrepreneurship, working in teams, and developing leadership skills while creating a service or project. GSE will be held on the campus of Northern Kentucky University.
The GSE application will open on November 14, 2022, and closes on January 23, 2023. Visit www.kentuckygse.com for more information.
Commonwealth Honors Academy
The application for the Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA) is now open! CHA is a three-week program held on the campus of Murray State University for high school students who completed their junior year. Students will take classes taught by university professors and earn college credit! This program is for students who are actively involved with their academics and extracurriculars and want to network with other students with similar interests.
To learn more about the Commonwealth Honors Academy, access the application, and view the requirements, please visit www.murraystate.edu/cha. The deadline is March 15, 2023.
Thanksgiving Food Drive -Pie, a Teacher!

Thanksgiving Food Drive - Pie, a Teacher!
SHDHS Student Council will host its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive starting on November 4 and ending on November 18, 2022. This year, the competition will be between the classes. Freshmen and Seniors against Sophomores and Juniors! The winning class will have the chance to put individual names to a drawing for the opportunity to pie a faculty member!
Last year, SHDHS stocked three local food pantries with over 17,000 items donated by this giving community. Students, parents, and staff members each brought over 40 things! Items collected range from canned goods to toiletries, including diapers. Some examples are pasta, pasta sauce, Hamburger Helper, canned meats, cereal, soup, canned fruit, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, money donations, diapers, and ramen noodles. STUCO looks forward to reaching the same goal this year and thanks everyone for consistently helping support its community.
Graduation 2023
Senior Parents, watch for emails on the above upcoming dates. For questions, email Toni Lehan at Tlehan@shdhs.org.
Drees Home Auditoirium

Cadet Band
The Cadet Band Debut Program was presented on October 23. These 38 "beginners" thrilled parents, grandparents, and friends with their polyphonic music. The program began with the band pledge and student lead prayer. Songs included When the Saints, Old MacDougal, and Hard Rock Blues.
The SHDHS Drama Department proudly presents: "The Wizard of Oz." Follow the yellow brick road in this delightful stage adaptation of L. Frank Baum's beloved tale features the iconic musical score from the MGM film.
Friday, 11/18, 7:30 pm
Saturday, 11/19, 7:30 pm
Sunday, 11/20, 2:00 pm
Tickets are available on the SHDHS Theater website.
(Image credit: Ainsley Potter, SHDHS student & cast member)
Around the town
What: A euchre tournament to benefit The Carrie Williams Memorial Scholarship fund that will be awarded to a student attending a local Catholic school.
When: Saturday, December 3rd (doors open at 5:30 pm, play begins at 7:00 pm)
Where: The Sterling Events Center at St. Barbara Church, 4042 Turkeyfoot Rd, Erlanger, KY 41018
Cost: $50 per player, including dinner, play, and soft drinks. You can participate in SKINS for an additional $10, where the highest score of each round will pay out (the amount varies by participation).
How: You must be 18 or older to play. Go to the link below to reserve your spot in the tournament! Limited space is available. Please select whether you’ll be playing casually or more competitively and let us know who you would like to sit with/near during the tournament in the comment box provided (this way, we can ensure you’re with your people on the right flight!).
**Only one person per slot on the sign-up. Each player must register for their spot/slot on the sign-up with an email address. This helps ensure we have the correct count and every registrant gets any info or updates we send out!
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
November 8 - FEC Meeting, 7:00 pm
November 9 - Graduate Service visits Seniors to take orders for Senior items
November 10 - Sophomore Retreat - St. Barbara's Sterling Center
November 13 - Open House, 1:00- 4:00 pm
November 18, 19 & 20 - Fall Musical
November 18, 19 & 20 - Alumni Art Show
November 23-25 -Thanksgiving Break
November 29 - HSPT Prep class 1, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. The group is followed by a lovely reception for students and grandparents.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.