
Citizenship Award
The Crusader Band recognizes Preston Gumz with a Special Citizenship Award. The Selection is based on the precepts of the Crusader Band Pledge (reverence, good character, commitment, and excellence) and the fruit of the Spirit as listed in the 5th chapter of Galatians (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). Also, consider the following attributes of good citizenship: helpful, friendly, courteous, respectful, and kind.

Musicianship Award
The Crusader Band recognizes David Reding with a Musicianship Award. Selection is based primarily on the precepts of the Crusader Band Pledge (reverence, good character, commitment, and excellence). The recipient of this award should demonstrate an ongoing commitment to their personal growth as a musician and the band's growth. Students should also demonstrate dependability, enthusiasm, and loyalty.

2023 summer Tour of the Mediterranean Coast
Parents & Guardians,
Stumped on what to get your student this Holiday season??? What about the gift of travel!!! There are still spots on our 2023 summer tour of the Mediterranean Coast. Click here to visit our enrollment page for information. All travelers must be enrolled by 12/31/22. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Kyla Brady (kmbrady@shdhs.org) or Mrs. Katie VonHandorf (kbaker@shdhs.org).
Information from the Front Office
Pampered Chef Fundraiser OUT OF UNIFORM DAY
Thank you for participating in the FEC fundraiser Pampered Chef. Click here to view the list of students and teachers that may be OOU on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, for participation in the fundraiser.
1st Semester Exam Schedule
December 15, 16 and 19
8:30 am-Noon
December 15 - 1st and 2nd period exam
December 16 - 3rd and 4th period exam
December 19 - 5th and 6th period exam
December 20
8:30 am - 10:10 am
December 20 - 7th-period exam
Exam Schedule
The school office will be closed from December 21, 2022 - January 3, 2023.
School Compliance Verification Form for New Drivers
If your child is scheduled to take the driver's test for their learning permit over the Christmas break, please have them stop by the front office next week (Dec. 12-20) to pick up the KRS159.051 School Compliance Verification Form, required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This form cannot be faxed or emailed.
Financial Aid for the 2023-24 School Year
The FACTS Financial Aid application will open on January 4, 2023. Applicants can use 2021 Tax returns and 2022 W-2's. Applications are accepted throughout the school year, but the first awards deadline is April 1, 2023, and award notifications will be made on April 30, 2023. Applications must be completed and verified by April 1 to be considered for the first round of awards. Please click here to apply.
Some classes require students to purchase workbooks and supplementary materials. Items were available in their classrooms during the first week of school. Invoices were emailed through your FACTS account on September 13 and were due by October 14. Payment should have been made manually through your FACTS. If you have not made this payment manually, it will be added to your January tuition payment. If you have questions regarding the consumables charges, please contact Toni Lehan at tlehan@shdhs.org. If you have questions regarding how to make payments, please get in touch with Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
Crusaders of the Week

Mrs. Kaiser-Munday is proud to award the AP Human Geography Crusader of the Week to Ellise Armbruster. In a small class, the spotlight shines super bright on every person. Ellise works hard in a challenging class to perfect her skills and continue learning. She is honest, diligent, and cares about her classmates. Ellise is an excellent example of how to be in a class that may push you outside of your comfort zone. Congratulations, Ellise!
Mrs. Henirich nominates Molly Kamer Crusader of the Week for Chorus. Molly is new to choir this year, and from her professionalism and natural talent for singing, you would never know she was a newbie. Her charisma and charm help everyone to enjoy the class, and she is an excellent leader to those struggling. Molly is a high academic achiever, but I am most proud of her for her kindness and helpful attitude. Congratulations Molly!
Academic Showcase/Clubs

Culinary Club warms up with Ooey Gooey Mac-N-Cheese
Last week Culinary Club members warmed up their insides with the delicious goodness of mac-n-cheese! Members learned how to start with a basic Bechamel (white sauce of flour, butter, and milk) and add cheese to create a base. Then, members could elevate their mac with various deluxe ingredients like bacon, buffalo chicken, gouda, and other specialty cheeses.
Our last event in December is Gingerbread House decorating. If you are interested in joining the Culinary Club for the 2nd semester, please get in touch with Mrs. Gonzalez (ngonzalez@shdhs.org) or Mrs. Coronado (rcoronado@shdhs.org). We're planning more delicious events for the spring semester!

The Freshman STEM students finished the semester with a group project on waves based on the terms and topics in Chapter 24, Waves and Sound. Each poster had to have a 3D or interactive portion. Ask your student what they put on their poster to make it stand out from the crowd. They did a great job!
Athletic News

St. Henry senior Amanda Schlueter has been named to the United Soccer Coaches 2022 Fall High School All-America Team. She is the first student-athlete at St. Henry to be named All-America.
Schlueter led the Lady Crusaders this past fall, her first for St. Henry, with 35 goals scored. She ranks 2nd in school history for goals scored in a single season. She is signed to continue her academic and athletic career at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, next fall.
Schlueter said, "It is such an honor to be selected to the All- America Team. Playing for St Henry has brought me many new relationships and experiences, and I am extremely proud to represent St Henry soccer. I would like to thank my coaches and teammates for helping me get this opportunity."
When speaking about Schlueter, Coach Bamberger said, "It's not often that you get the opportunity to coach an All-American athlete. Their skill set, vision, and game IQ are superior to most they compete against at the high school level. But what is rarer than coaching an elite athlete is coaching one as grounded as Mandy Schlueter. Mandy is an amazingly skilled soccer player who can not be stopped on the field, but she is an even better person and teammate. She is confident and humble, driven as well as kind and considerate, determined and respectful, competitive while having good sportsmanship, focused, and sees the big picture. OSU is lucky to have her, and we at SHDHS see great things in her future!"
Please join the St. Henry Athletic Department and St. Henry District High School in congratulating Amanda Schlueter on being named one of the best soccer players in the nation this fall. Go Cru!

We're excited to release the First Ever St. Henry Crusader Football Gear. Let NKY know that Crusader Football is coming by wearing this gear! Please share with friends and family! Go Cru! Join us in celebrating "A New Tradition" here at St. Henry District High School.
Shop Crusader Football Store
New Edition to our Spirit wear
New esports Crusader wear; click here to view.
Campus Ministry
SHDHS celebrates Advent with fun and faith-filled activities, and we look forward to even more! We kicked off the first week of Advent with all-day confessions and adoration in religion classes, Mass, an Advent wreath blessing from Father Jason, passing out candy canes for St. Nick's day, and a prayer service for the second week of Advent. Next week we look forward to the blessing of students before exams, followed by donuts on Thursday at 8 am. We also conclude our Cristo Rey Toy Drive next week. Students and faculty have already collected 185 toys in their first-period classes! Continue the good work.
We encourage all our SHDHS parents to pray with their students during this holy season. Here are some Advent prayers to pray as a family.
St. Andrew Christmas Novena
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desire.
Dear Lord God, awaken us, that we may be ready when your dear Son comes, that we may receive him with joy and serve you with pure hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God, I thank you and praise you for ___________. Thank you for the gift that ________ is to You and our family. Bless them during Advent as they seek to reflect Your light in the darkness. Please strengthen, inspire, and guide them as they prepare for exams and attend to their own personal needs. Amen
Service Overview - 1st Semester
We have just concluded our first semester service hour requirement this week. Between all classes, we logged over 8,000 service hours! Students volunteered at various amazing non-profit organizations such as Mary Rose Mission, Rose Garden Mission, Go Pantry, Saint Vincent de Paul, Special Olympics, BeConcerned, Master Provisions, BridgePoint Nursing Home, Welcome House, Last Mile Food Rescue, and many more! Service is an excellent way for students to interact with the community and to go beyond themselves to serve people they may have never met. Wonderful job, SHDHS students!
Here are some quick reminders for Service for next semester:
All Service completed after November 30 will be applied to 2nd Semester service requirements.
The following does NOT count for SHDHS service:
- Making baked goods or care packages at home
- Babysitting or helping grandparents, parents, family members, and neighbors
- Anything NOT with a non-profit organization
Red Service entails working onsite with an established non-profit organization that serves the poor, marginalized, or disadvantaged.
White Service entails onsite work sponsored and supervised at school, church, or civic community center (again, it MUST be a non-profit).
Counselors Corner
PSAT Scores are Available for Juniors and Sophomores who opted-in to the PSAT.
Official PSAT/NMSQT score reports are now available. Students have been given information on accessing their score reports via the College Board website. Please note that students should be the only ones creating accounts; when a parent creates an account for their student, it can cause major issues logging in for future use. Please sit down with your student to make sure they log in and review the report together.
Do note that if a student has an account and they are unable to log in, they will need to do "forgot username/password" and potentially call Student Services at 866-315-6068; unfortunately, the College Board does not give us access to student account information, so we are not able to help with login.
For details on how to interpret the score report, including a video demonstration, go to: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/scores/understanding-scores/your-score-report-explained? SFMC_cid=EM854495-&rid=47609599
The counseling office will have a PSAT Scores Flex workshop for students on January 10, 2022, to further review the scores and what they mean. All students who took the PSAT will be in attendance. If you have questions in the meantime, contact your student's counselor.

Learning & fun for freshmen!
On St. Nick's day, Mrs. Roebker (Counselor) & Mrs. Poat (Campus Minister) had a great time with the freshmen. Mrs. Roebker taught them how to use Scoir, our college search software. The freshmen are ready to ask their relatives questions about college over the Christmas break! Then, Mrs. Poat facilitated a round of Christmas trivia. SHDHS loves the Class of 2026!
2023-2024 Scheduling Meeting for Parents
Save the date! January 24,5:30–6:30 pm.
The SHDHS Counseling Dept. will host a parent night for current freshmen, sophomore, and junior parents to discuss the 2023-2024 scheduling process.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated yearly as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Graduation 2023
Senior Parents, watch for emails on the above upcoming dates. For questions, email Toni Lehan at Tlehan@shdhs.org.
FEC News

CRU BASH TICKET PRESALE! CRU BASH Pre-Sale Tickets are on sale NOW for a discounted price! Get your tickets today (or before 1/1) to get the discount, get entered into a drawing to win your money back, and help us out by letting us know people are coming to the event! We listened to your feedback- the bash is back in person, with live music and more time to socialize! Come and support the FEC/SHDHS and have a great time with your fellow parents, friends, and alums. Don't wait! Click the link below to purchase your Presale and VIP tickets starting 12/5: https://e.givesmart.com/s/:RL1jYSIVbSY/e/u1m/.
Thank you to those that have already signed up! 12/31 AFTERNOON SPECIAL BINGO - The FEC still needs three more pull-tab sellers/bankers for the NYE Bingo. We expect a record turnout which equals record profits for the FEC! The FEC operates all year round with these BINGO profits and rarely has to charge for events like the Back2School Bash, Hoco Tailgate, etc. We also provide free Senior Retreat meals, Teacher/Staff/Student lunches/breakfasts, Teacher Grant money, and much more. Please consider helping out (and getting your steps in!) before heading out to your NYE activities.
TEACHER/STAFF HOLIDAY GIFTS: This year, the FEC is collecting donations via Venmo (@elaine-stich), cash, or check (made payable to the Family Engagement Council) to provide our excellent teachers/staff with Christmas presents to show how much we appreciate them! Last year we were able to gift each teacher/staff member $50 in cash, which was AMAZING- thanks to your generosity!
Our teachers and staff work tirelessly all year long for our kids, going above and beyond- let's show them some love this holiday season!! Thank you for your continued support! We would like to have all donations in by Friday, 12/16, as we plan to give the teachers their gifts on 12/20 at their Holiday lunch.
Drees Homes Auditorium
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
December 10- HSPT - 9:00 am-Noon
December 13 - Christmas Concert - Drees Home Auditorium, 7:00 pm
December 14 - Pampered Chef Out of Uniform Day (the list of students OOU will be posted)
December 15, 16, and 19, 20 - Exam Schedule
December 21 - January 3 - Christmas Break
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. A lovely reception for students and grandparents follows the Mass.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.