Dear SHDHS parents and students,
St. Henry District High School strives to provide a learning environment where all participants pursue academic integrity that reflects the school's core values in keeping with the Catholic Faith. Students are therefore expected to act with honesty and integrity in their pursuit of academic excellence. All offenses against academic honesty will be taken seriously.

As technology evolves, new software and services continuously become available to the general public. However, not all of these tools are conducive to an environment rooted in academic integrity. Many third-party websites and apps can be used to bypass domain restrictions and will not be permitted on student devices while enrolled at SHDHS. The Technology Department, with the support of administrators, will determine in real-time whether students can use various new tools. It is the policy of SHDHS that any student who uses technology in a prohibited manner, as laid out in the Responsible Use Policy (RUP), will be held accountable. All forms of academic dishonesty and inappropriate use of technology are serious offenses that undermine the school's learning process and values.

If you have questions or concerns about this policy, don't hesitate to contact the IT Department Director, Jorge Carbwood, at


Grant Brannen, Principal
St. Henry District High School
3755 Scheben Drive
Erlanger, KY 41018
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence


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