Dear Crusader Family,
Before Christmas break begins, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our faculty, staff, and students for a great first semester. As we head into the second semester, I want to make you aware of a few upcoming changes. We will be utilizing our new SOS flex system. In this system, teachers set up workshops for students to attend. The students will have plenty of opportunities to take advantage of this time by attending study sessions, peer tutoring, using the gym for exercise or grabbing a snack in the cafeteria. The student must sign up for the workshops, so be sure to ask them about taking advantage of this opportunity! Also, beginning in the second semester, every Tuesday (beginning January 10), we will offer Mass in our chapel to faculty and students at 7:00 am. I want to thank Father Jason for volunteering his time and providing our students with an opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist each week with their peers and teachers.
As we celebrate the birthdate of our Lord Savior, Jesus Christ, I hope you take this time to relax and spend time with your family. We also pray for SHDHS community members who have lost a loved one. Please remember our administration, counselors, and teachers are always here for the students and will continue to be servant leaders of Christ. Our doors are an open line of communication with our students. I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. Luke 2:10-11
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Grant Brannen, Principal
SHDHS Faculty and Staff
Information from the Front Office
The school office will be closed from December 21, 2022 - January 3, 2023.
Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 4, with late arrival at 9:15 am.
Financial Aid for the 2023-24 School Year
The FACTS Financial Aid application will open on January 4, 2023. Applicants can use 2021 Tax returns and 2022 W-2's. Applications are accepted throughout the school year, but the first awards deadline is April 1, 2023, and award notifications will be made on April 30, 2023. Applications must be completed and verified by April 1 to be considered for the first round of awards. Please click here to apply.
Some classes require students to purchase workbooks and supplementary materials. Items were available in their classrooms during the first week of school. Invoices were emailed through your FACTS account on September 13 and were due by October 14. Payment should have been made manually through your FACTS. If you have not made this payment manually, it will be added to your January tuition payment. If you have questions regarding the consumables charges, please contact Toni Lehan at tlehan@shdhs.org. If you have questions regarding how to make payments, please get in touch with Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org.
Current Families RE-ENROLL for the 2023-2024 School Year
Current students planning to attend SHDHS for the 2023-2024 school year will automatically be re-enrolled on January 4, 2023. Registration fees will be invoiced through your FACTS account and need to be paid manually through FACTS. The registration fee for the 2023-2024 school year is $200. If paid by March 15, students will receive a $25 discount on the registration fee. Those who pay by March 1 will be entered into a drawing to have one GENERAL FEE paid for the 2023-2024 school year.
Registration fee schedule - Paid by March 15, 2023
· 1st child $175
· 2nd child $150
· 3rd child $100
· Family Cap at $425
After March 15th registration fee is:
· 1st child $200
· 2nd child $175
· 3rd child $150
· Family Cap at $525
There are no forms to fill out. If you do not plan on returning for the 2023-2024 school year, please get in touch with Toni Lehan at 859-525-0255, ext 2826, or tlehan@shdhs.org.
For questions regarding invoicing and how to make payment, don't hesitate to get in touch with Connie Cornett at 859-525-0255, ext 2801, or ccornett@shdhs.org.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
Academic Showcase/Clubs

Culinary Club ends the First Semester by making Gingerbread Houses!
The Culinary Club closed a very successful first semester with two sessions devoted to gingerbread houses. Chefs Summy and Coronado demonstrated gingerbread techniques, including using crushed Jolly Ranchers to make "glass." Because gingerbread is time-intensive, club members used graham crackers, royal icing, and countless sweets to create their miniature homes. Creativity abounded! We saw gingerbread bridges, roller coasters, and a pickleball court!
Anyone wishing to join the Culinary Club for the 2nd semester should pay attention to announcements when we return in January. Club membership will be open from January 5-11. See Mrs. Gonzalez or Mrs. Coronado for details.
We wish you a joyous and delicious holiday from our kitchen to yours!

2022 John O’Bryan Math Tournament Results
Congratulations to the 16 students who participated in the 30th Annual John O’Bryan Math Tournament in late November at NKU. Ten schools participated this year, with a total of 86 students competing. Ms. Grosser coached these teams.
The Varsity Team of Jack Goodwin, Harry Barsan, Cameron Lemmond, Sean Ihrig, and John Lubert placed 5th in the Five-Person Team Competition.
The JV 3 team of Gabe Thelen, Ray Neiheisel, Nathan Francis, Jason Bish, and Jeffrey Pilcher placed 3rd overall in the JV category. They also placed 2nd in the Five-Person Team JV Competition and 5th in the Individual Written JV Competition. The JV 2 Team of Stefany Nix, Wendy Daniels, Grace Gulla, and Peter Holocher placed 5th in the Five-Person JV Competition.
Additional congratulations to Libby Deis and Morgan Bonno, who did a fantastic job when their other JV 1 team members dropped out last minute!
Looking forward to more math successes in 2023! Congratulations to all!
Athletic News

We're excited to release the First Ever St. Henry Crusader Football Gear. Let NKY know that Crusader Football is coming by wearing this gear! Please share with friends and family! Go Cru! Join us in celebrating "A New Tradition" here at St. Henry District High School.
Shop Crusader Football Store
Counselors Corner
PSAT Scores are Available for Juniors and Sophomores who opted-in to the PSAT.
Official PSAT/NMSQT score reports are now available. Students have been given information on accessing their score reports via the College Board website. Please note that students should be the only ones creating accounts; when a parent creates an account for their student, it can cause major issues logging in for future use. Please sit down with your student to make sure they log in and review the report together.
Do note that if a student has an account and they are unable to log in, they will need to do "forgot username/password" and potentially call Student Services at 866-315-6068; unfortunately, the College Board does not give us access to student account information, so we are not able to help with login.
For details on how to interpret the score report, including a video demonstration, go to: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/scores/understanding-scores/your-score-report-explained? SFMC_cid=EM854495-&rid=47609599
The counseling office will have a PSAT Scores Flex workshop for students on January 10, 2023, to further review the scores and what they mean. All students who took the PSAT will be in attendance. If you have questions in the meantime, contact your student's counselor.
2023-2024 Scheduling Meeting for Parents
Save the date! January 24, 5:30–6:30 pm.
The SHDHS Counseling Dept. will host a parent night for current freshmen, sophomore, and junior parents to discuss the 2023-2024 scheduling process.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated yearly as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Graduation 2023
Senior Parents, watch for emails on the above upcoming dates. For questions, email Toni Lehan at Tlehan@shdhs.org.
FEC News

CRU BASH TICKET PRESALE! CRU BASH Pre-Sale Tickets are on sale NOW for a discounted price! Please get your tickets today (or before 1/1) to get the discount, get entered into a drawing to win your money back, and help us out by letting us know people are coming to the event! We listened to your feedback- the bash is back in person, with live music and more time to socialize! Come and support the FEC/SHDHS and have a great time with your fellow parents, friends, and alumni. Don't wait! Click the link below to purchase your Presale and VIP tickets starting 12/5: https://e.givesmart.com/s/:RL1jYSIVbSY/e/u1m/.
CRU BASH PLANNING MEETING - Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 5, at
6:30 pm in the Media Center for our next CRU BASH planning meeting. The event will be just over a month away at that point, and we will need a lot of volunteers with lots of ideas! All are welcome.
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
January 4 - First day of the second semester - Late arrival at 9:15 am
January 5 - 10K raffle kick-off
January 5 - CRU Bash Meeting, 6:30 pm
January 10 & 11 - First Group Senior Retreat
January 10 - FEC Meeting,7:00 pm
January 12 - New Family Information Night, 6:00 pm
January 13 - Out of Uniform - $2 -Donation to Ed Colina Foundation
January 16 - No classes in honor of Martin L King, Jr. Day
January 17 & 19 - Second Group Senior Retreat
January 19 - PREACT - 9 & 10 grade
January 20 - Out of Uniform - $2 donation to IHM Food Pantry
January 23 & 24 - Junior Retreat
January 24 - Presentation for Parents - Course requests for 23-24, 5:30 pm
January 27 - Out of Uniform -$2 donation to St. Vincent de Paul
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. A lovely reception for students and grandparents follows the Mass.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.