
Scholarship 2023-2024 SHDHS High School Placement Test and Fine Arts Scholarship recipients
We congratulate all of our 2023-2024 SHDHS High School Placement Test and Fine Arts Scholarship recipients! The following students were recognized during our New Family Information Night presentation:
Susan Wolff Scholarship (Top Scoring Female)
Karissa Schmidt (St. Pius X Grade School)
Stan Robinson Scholarship (Top Scoring Male)
Ben Gulla (IHM Grade School)
Mr. Dr. Edward P. Smith and Mary Klein Smith Scholarship (Top 10%)
Brooke Bills (St. Henry Grade School)
Kayleigh McCormack (IHM Grade School
Gwendolyn Ogonek (MQH Grade School)
Maggie Setters (St. Henry Grade School)
Dominic Stegman (Turkey Foot Middle School)
Andrew Stewart (St. Henry Grade School)
Aurelia Theissen (St. Joseph Academy, Walton)
Addyson Wambaja (Community Christian Academy)
SHDHS Fine Arts Scholarship
Andrew McNay (St. Joseph Academy, Walton)
Mckenna Hartwig (St. Paul Grade School)
Hannah Thomas (MQH Grade School)
To every 8th-grade parent, we thank you for choosing SHDHS for your student’s high school career. If you have any questions regarding the SHDHS admissions process or high school in general, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime at 859.525.0255 ext. 2826.

CRUnited Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Congratulations, Caden Kunstek, Alaina Fabre, and Reese Rigsby.
Information from the Front Office
First Semester Report Cards
The official report card for the First Semester is available. Report cards are not mailed home but are available on our school system Tyler SIS.
School Information System - Tyler SIS is our Student Information System to view academic history, attendance, final grades, and other school information. If you need help logging in, please click here for more details. If you have any questions, please get in touch with support@shdhs.org.
First Semester Final Grades - You can access grades by selecting "Academic History" or "Go To Grades" when logged into Tyler SIS. If you would prefer an official printed grade report on St. Henry letterhead, please get in touch with Toni Lehan at tlehan@shdhs.org.
Financial Aid for the 2023-24 School Year
The FACTS Financial Aid application will open on January 4, 2023. Applicants can use 2021 Tax returns and 2022 W-2s. Applications are accepted throughout the school year, but the first awards deadline is April 1, 2023, and award notifications will be made on April 30, 2023. Applications must be completed and verified by April 1 to be considered for the first round of awards. Please click here to apply. For questions, contact Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org.
Some classes require students to purchase workbooks and supplementary materials. Items were available in their classrooms during the first week of school. Invoices were emailed through your FACTS account on September 13 and were due by October 14. Payment should have been made manually through your FACTS. If you have not made this payment manually, it will be added to your January tuition payment. If you have questions regarding the consumables charges, please get in touch with Toni Lehan at tlehan@shdhs.org. If you have questions regarding how to make payments, please get in touch with Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org.
Current Families RE-ENROLL for the 2023-2024 School Year
Current students planning to attend SHDHS for the 2023-2024 school year will automatically be re-enrolled on January 4, 2023. Registration fees will be invoiced through your FACTS account and need to be paid manually through FACTS. The registration fee for the 2023-2024 school year is $200. If paid by March 15, students will receive a $25 discount on the registration fee. Those who pay by March 1 will be entered into a drawing to have one GENERAL FEE paid for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you have a current SHDHS student and will be adding a freshman in the 2023-2024 school year, please get in touch with Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org to receive your multi-child discount.
Registration fee schedule - Paid by March 15, 2023
· 1st child $175
· 2nd child $150
· 3rd child $100
· Family Cap at $425
After March 15th registration fee is:
· 1st child $200
· 2nd child $175
· 3rd child $150
· Family Cap at $525
There are no forms to fill out. If you do not plan on returning for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact Toni Lehan at 859-525-0255, ext 2826, or tlehan@shdhs.org.
For questions regarding invoicing and how to make payment, don't hesitate to get in touch with Connie Cornett at 859-525-0255, ext 2801, or ccornett@shdhs.org.
2023-2024 Scholarship Application Online Form Now Available
An online scholarship application form is now available for all new and returning students. Any student interested in applying for one or more scholarships for the 2023-2024 school year can now click here to access the online form. The deadline for scholarship application submissions for the 2023-2024 school year is Friday, March 17, 2023. To view a chart of scholarships, eligibility criteria, and submission requirements, please click here.
Please note that most SHDHS-endowed scholarship benefactors actively participate in the selection process each year. All scholarship applications are “blinded” (i.e., applicant names are removed) before they are submitted for review. The recipient of each endowed scholarship will be notified as soon as the respective scholarship’s benefactor’s decision is made.
For scholarship application questions, please get in touch with Beckie Middendorf at bmiddendorf@shdhs.org.
Math placement test information for 2023-2024 freshmen
This MATH Placement test is for any incoming freshman who is interested in taking Algebra II Honors as a freshman. Students registering for Algebra I or Algebra I Honors as freshmen do not need to take this placement exam. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Clare Grosser at cgrosser@shdhs.org.
When: Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 8:00 - 9:00 am
Where: SHDHS
How Long: 1 hour; 45 Questions
How Much: No charge
Registration: https://apps.shdhs.org/admissions/math-placement-test/
For more information about SHDHS Freshman Math Courses, click here.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
CRU Bid & Bash

$10K Raffle
Our $10K Raffle officially kicks off this week! This is one of our school's largest fundraisers, and we are so thankful for the support of every Crusader.
Tickets are $25 each...and one lucky person will take home $10,000 when the winning ticket is drawn LIVE at the 2023 CRU Bash on Friday, February 17!
Students are asked to sell four (4) tickets each. We know many parents will purchase tickets themselves (and thank you for your support), but please know that we have encouraged students to ask for support from extended family, friends, neighbors, etc.
Tickets can be purchased online @ http://e.givesmart.com/events/t03/page/10k/ (a link will also be available on the front page of our school website @ shdhs.org).
When purchasing tickets, include the name of the student, faculty, or staff member who should receive credit for the sale (if applicable).
And as always...our goal is to sell 2,000 or more tickets in total. If we can meet or beat our goal again this year, our entire school will earn a DAY OFF SCHOOL!
Donations for Cru Bid & Bash
We are looking for donations for this year's Bid & Bash, especially gift cards or cash. Please click here for the complete list of gift cards our committee is currently soliciting. If you are looking for a way to help with this year’s event (that doesn’t involve giving up any of your limited time), a gift card or cash donation may be for you! Donations can be dropped off in the school office anytime between now and Friday,
February 3 (please mark to the attention “Bid & Bash”).
February 17 CRU BASH Tickets are on sale NOW! The Cru Bash will take place at Receptions in Erlanger on February 17 from 7:30 - 11 pm and includes heavy appetizers, an open bar, and live music from The Grateful Dads and DJ Billy Sarge! Also available will be a Wine Grab, Heads-or-Tails game, 10K Raffle Drawing, Fund-A-Need, and Crusader Circle naming rights bidding! This will be a cashless event and a TON OF FUN! Please don't wait to get your tickets. It would help us tremendously if you purchased them today! Limited VIP Tables are also available. https://e.givesmart.com/events/u1m/
CRU BASH Wine Grab Donations - Were you gifted wine at the holidays that you don't drink? Are you participating in Dry January and want to remove the temptation? Do you want to help the FEC in a small and easy way? Then please donate wine bottles for the upcoming Mystery $ Wine Grab at the CRU BASH on February 17! Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Thanks so much for your help!
Crusaders of the Week

Mrs. Heinrich would like to nominate Thomas Haas Crusader of the Week for Choir. Tommy has been an excellent participant in our choir. His attitude and pleasant behavior make the students in the classroom feel respected, and his hard work shows when he is able to accomplish difficult musical passages. Although I haven't been able to teach Tommy all four years, I feel just as proud to have him as a senior as I would have had he been with me from the beginning. Thank you, Tommy, for your hard work and dedication; I am proud to be your teacher.
Mrs. Coronado nominates Kyle Warner Crusader of the Week for Spanish I. Not everyone is enthusiastic about learning a second language; it can be challenging to take the first steps. But even before starting his Spanish journey, he expressed his eagerness to become fluent in Spanish. I want to thank you, Kyle, for bringing your happiness and open willingness to learn Spanish. Your joy is undoubtedly contagious. Every adventure has its hardships, but I respect the way you keep your goals in mind. I am pretty sure you will achieve them all. Don't ever forget your very first Spanish rap because I won’t. Muy Bien Augusto!
Academic Showcase/Clubs

Biology students extract DNA from strawberries to begin their unit on Molecular Biology.
AP BIO students use clay and chalk markers to model the stages of Meiosis in preparation for their upcoming test.

Psychology students are practicing their parenting skills!

The design was inspired by Andy Warhol and was voted on by Art Club members against five other possible designs. Art Club prides itself in having unique spirit wear that demonstrates individuality and creativity.
Computer Science Students spent time refactoring and repurposing Scratch games prior to diving into the world of Event Handling using Python’s Turtle onkey, on click, and ontimer methods to get the turtle to interact with the user.
Athletic News

St. Henry Crusader Basketball
Grade School Appreciation Night
BOYS VS. HOLMES JV 4:30 pm | V 6:00 pm
St. Henry Athletics invites all elementary and middle school students to Grade School.
Appreciation Night. The Varsity teams will hold a meet-the-team + sign autographs from 5:00 – 5:30 pm. Admission is free to grade school students wearing a team jersey or school spirit wear. The first 50 attendees will receive a free slice of pizza + a drink. Additionally, families will be entered into a contest for free admission to the Lady Crusader or Boys Crusader Summer Basketball Camp. Two winners will be drawn.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with athletics@shdhs.org.
We look forward to seeing you! GO CRU!

We're excited to announce Co-Ed Flag Football, Grades 1st-8th, for this Spring 2023 season. Register here: https://www.crusaderyouthleague.com or http://bit.ly/3QIUO2s. Register Today...Spots are Limited. Individual registrations will be assigned to a team. If you're a coach and have a team, have them list you as their coach during the registration process. We want to keep the teams to a max of 10 players. If you want to be a paid referee or a volunteer, please contact us; both adults and high schoolers are welcome.
Girls Tennis Meeting - Friday, January 27, from 3:00-3:30 pm in the cafeteria for any girl interested in playing tennis this season. If you cannot attend this meeting, please reach out to Coach Payne at spayne.ath@shdhs.org.
Spring Coaches/Parent Meeting - Spring Meet the Coaches/ Parent meeting will be held on Monday, March 6, at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Parents will meet with Mr. Schneider to be given information regarding spring sports and then divide up into team meetings with the coach.
Booster Meeting - January 24 at 6:30 pm in the AIMS Room #105.
Counselors Corner
2023-2024 Scheduling Meeting for Parents
Save the date! January 24, 5:30–6:30 pm.
The SHDHS Counseling Dept. will host a parent night for current freshmen, sophomore, and junior parents to discuss the 2023-2024 scheduling process.
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated yearly as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Graduation 2023
Senior Parents, watch for emails on the above upcoming dates. For questions, email Toni Lehan at Tlehan@shdhs.org.
Senior Portrait Information for the Class of 2023
Class of 2023, formal senior pictures will be taken by Jostens on March 14, 2023, at Saint Henry District High School. Students and parents will be informed of the expected dress code for that day. Jostens will also offer a backup date for any senior student that may not be present. These pictures will be used for the yearbook and graduation ceremonies by SHDHS. Parents will be able to purchase these pictures.
If you have any questions, please contact Polyana Seguim at pseguim@shdhs.org for more information.
FEC News
Catholic Schools Week Student Breakfast - The FEC will be providing an all-school breakfast for students during Catholic Schools Week on Tuesday, January 31. Volunteers are needed starting at 6:30 am to help set up, serve, and clean up. Please get in touch with Elaine Stich at etuschong@yahoo.com if you are available to help.
Campus Ministry

Service Site Highlight
It is the beginning of the semester, but it is not too early to start thinking about completing your 10 hours of service for the semester. Each student is required to complete at least five red service hours. All ten service hours can be red service, but you may also supplement your remaining hours with white service hours once you have completed your required red hours. Hours are due by April 26.
Red Hours - Direct and on-site service at non-profit agencies (for people who are poor, sick, vulnerable, and marginalized in society)
White Hours - Service at a parish, school, or civic community
Examples: Open House, Parish Festival, Fish Fry, Vacation Bible School, Tutoring, Peer
Go Pantry
Since 2012 GO Pantry has been helping feed local kids in need. Summer Break is especially daunting for many kids in our community. There are kids in every school who rely on the Free & Reduced Lunch Program for meals during the school year. When school ends, so does their primary food source. With your help, GO Pantry can provide emergency food relief to local students who might otherwise go without. Your food boxes will go to kids identified by their schools in Boone, Kenton, Campbell, Grant, and Dearborn counties.
Website: https://gopantry.org/volunteer/
Volunteer Contact: sarah@gopantry.org
Here is the address: 7960 Kentucky Dr, Florence, KY 41042
Be Concerned
Be Concerned’s aggressive push to help those that are hungry has made it the largest free food program in Northern Kentucky. In 2020, it served 6,746 people in 2,918 distinct households, both records. We maintain our traditional reliance on volunteers, who enable our programs to run at a third of the cost if we were paid staff only. We retain the choice model that Sr. Donna Kinney started more than a half century ago, with volunteers and staff alike upholding the mantra that remains today – just as important as what we give our shoppers is how we give it: with a smile, a hug, an encouraging word.
Website: https://beconcerned.org/
Covington: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45aead2fa1fec16-beconcerned
Erlanger: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d45aead2fa1fec16-january
Important Upcoming Dates:
AT A Glance events
January 23 - Athletic Boosters Meeting, 6:30 pm, room #105
January 23 & 24 - Junior Retreat
January 24 - Presentation for Parents - Course requests for 23-24, 5:30 pm
January 27 - Out of Uniform -$2 donation to St. Vincent de Paul
January 30-February 3 - Catholic Schools Week
February 1 - Late arrival, 9:15 am
February 3 - Grade School Night
February 4 - Bingo - 11:30 am
February 10 - OOU - Erlanger Elsmere United Ministries
February 17 - OOU - Duggan (Alumni) Family
February 17 - Cru Bash
February 20 - President's Day - no classes
February 21 and 22 - Senior Retreat
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Grandparent masses offer a time to recognize the wonderful grandparents in our Life. A lovely reception for students and grandparents follows the Mass.
- Senior Grandparent Mass - Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 10:00 am
- Junior Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 10:00 am
- Sophomore Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 10:00 am
- Freshman Grandparent Mass - Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 10:00 am
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our sponsors.