Dear Crusader Parents and Students,

March 23 Early Dismissal-11:55 am
Campus Closed 12:00-4:00 pm

Recently, as you may recall, St. Henry District High School was asked by the local police department to go on a hard lockdown due to an event that was happening nearby. This was done as a precaution; fortunately, there were no immediate safety concerns. This event reminded us of how important it is for our staff to be prepared in the unfortunate event that an immediate threat was to occur on campus. 

Local law enforcement has agreed to provide our staff with specific training as well as provide tools and resources to help us be prepared in the case of an emergency situation. Therefore, we will schedule an early release day on Thursday, March 23, at 11:55 am to train our staff. Lunch will not be served on this day. No students will be permitted to be on campus from 12:00 pm-4:00 pm, and all after-school activities will not start until 4:00 pm that day.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continue to help provide a safe learning environment for all our students and staff. 

Grant Brannen, Principal
St. Henry District High School
3755 Scheben Drive
Erlanger, KY 41018
National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence


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