ATTENTION CRU!!!! The next Crusader Crazy t-shirt will be sold today after school. I can't give much detail on its design, but TRUST ME... you're going to want this one. It's a true collector's item! See further details below:

HINT on the design...
When: Friday
Students: In person after school
Alumni & Parents: Online: crazycrusader.com, the store opens at 4:00 pm. Pickup and shipping are available.
What: Crusader Crazy T-Shirt
Cost: $10
Information from the Front Office
New to the CRU and need Spirit Wear! Order now!
Important upcoming date:
March 23 Early Dismissal-11:55 am
Campus Closed 12:00-4:00 pm
Recently, as you may recall, St. Henry District High School was asked by the local police department to go on a hard lockdown due to an event that was happening nearby. This was done as a precaution; fortunately, there were no immediate safety concerns. This event reminded us of how important it is for our staff to be prepared in the unfortunate event that an immediate threat was to occur on campus.
Local law enforcement has agreed to provide our staff with specific training as well as provide tools and resources to help us be prepared in the case of an emergency situation. Therefore, we will schedule an early release day on Thursday, March 23, to train our staff. Lunch will not be served on this day. No students will be permitted to be on campus from 12:00 pm-4:00 pm, and all after-school activities will not start until 4:00 pm that day.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continue to help provide a safe learning environment for all our students and staff.
Financial Aid for the 2023-24 School Year
The FACTS Financial Aid application will open on January 4, 2023. Applicants can use 2021 Tax returns and 2022 W-2s. Applications are accepted throughout the school year, but the first awards deadline is April 1, 2023, and award notifications will be made on April 30, 2023. Applications must be completed and verified by April 1 to be considered for the first round of awards. Please click here to apply. For questions, contact Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org.
Current Families RE-ENROLL for the 2023-2024 School Year
Current students planning to attend SHDHS for the 2023-2024 school year will automatically be re-enrolled on January 4, 2023. Registration fees will be invoiced through your FACTS account and need to be paid manually through FACTS. The registration fee for the 2023-2024 school year is $200. If paid by March 15, students will receive a $25 discount on the registration fee. Those who pay by March 1 will be entered into a drawing to have one GENERAL FEE paid for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you have a current SHDHS student and will be adding a freshman in the 2023-2024 school year, please contact Connie Cornett at ccornett@shdhs.org to receive your multi-child discount.
Registration fee schedule - Paid by March 15, 2023
· 1st child $175
· 2nd child $150
· 3rd child $100
· Family Cap at $425
After March 15th registration fee is:
· 1st child $200
· 2nd child $175
· 3rd child $150
· Family Cap at $525
There are no forms to fill out. If you do not plan on returning for the 2023-2024 school year, please get in touch with Toni Lehan at 859-525-0255, ext 2826, or tlehan@shdhs.org.
For questions regarding invoicing and how to make payment, don't hesitate to get in touch with Connie Cornett at 859-525-0255, ext 2801, or ccornett@shdhs.org.
The online application portal for 2023-2024 SHDHS scholarships is now open. Students can visit https://apps.shdhs.org/admissions/scholarship-application-form to begin the online application process. The deadline for scholarship application submissions is Friday, March 17, 2023.
Please click here to view a chart of scholarships, eligibility criteria, and submission requirements.
Please note that the majority of our endowed scholarship recipients are selected by the benefactors of each scholarship annually. The recipient of each endowed scholarship will be notified as soon as the respective scholarship's benefactor's decision is made. All endowed scholarship applications are "blinded" (i.e., applicant names are removed) before they are submitted for review.
For scholarship application questions, please contact the SHDHS Advancement Office at advancement@shdhs.org.
Math placement test information for 2023-2024 freshmen
This MATH Placement test is for any incoming freshman who is interested in taking Algebra II Honors as a freshman. Students registering for Algebra I or Algebra I Honors as freshmen do not need to take this placement exam. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Ms. Clare Grosser at cgrosser@shdhs.org.
When: Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 8:00 - 9:00 am
Where: SHDHS
How Long: 1 hour; 45 Questions
How Much: No charge
Registration: https://apps.shdhs.org/admissions/math-placement-test/
For more information about SHDHS Freshman Math Courses, click here.
Don't Forget to Shop and Support SHDHS
SHDHS participates in The Kroger Plus Community Rewards Program, where you can earn funds for SHDHS without spending additional money! Link your shopper's cards to St. Henry District High School and start shopping.
Kroger Community Rewards
Visit https:www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards for detailed instructions.
Search for St. Henry District High School from the list, select, and click "Save."
CRU Bid & Bash
SHDHS $10K Raffle
It's not too late to purchase your ticket for a chance to win $10,000 in this year's $10K Raffle! Tickets are still only $25 each. The grand prize drawing will be held on Friday, February 17, 2023, during the 2023 CRU Bash at Receptions in Erlanger. Click here to purchase your tickets today!

CRU BASH - WE NEED YOU! One of the things people repeatedly say they love most about SHDHS is the community - the community of students, the community of teachers & staff, the community of parents, and the community of alumni. To foster and grow that Crusader community spirit that we all know and love, we need to do things together, celebrate, and gather together. This is why we have brought back the CRU BASH in person (largely based on your requests and feedback!). To move forward with having these events in person, we need people to register, attend, and enjoy themselves. Please consider coming to the BASH and celebrating the Crusader Community with us. We have until TUESDAY of next week to give a final headcount; if that number is below the contracted amount, the FEC will have to pay the difference. Please register today; it is easy and promises an amazing night of Crusader community fun! https://e.givesmart.com/events/u1m/
CRU BASH - WE NEED YOUR STUDENTS! We are looking for dedicated and reliable students to work the event to allow our parents, teachers/staff a good night off. We will provide training before the shifts start - it is not hard! Please have your student(s) consider signing up to help us out! Thank you! CRU BASH Volunteers
CRU BASH Wine Grab Donations - Were you gifted wine at the holidays that you don't drink? Are you participating in Dry January and want to remove the temptation? Do you want to help the FEC in a small and easy way? Then please donate wine bottles for the upcoming Mystery $ Wine Grab at the CRU BASH on February 17! Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Thanks so much for your help!
Crusaders of the Week

Mr. Trame nominates Anay Sehgal PreCal's Crusader of the Week. Senior Anay Sehgal rises like a Phoenix above all others regarding students who care deeply about their education, the desire to learn more, and the quality of their work and performance. Anay's determination and commitment to understanding PreCalculus content have served as an inspiration. Anay is incessant in seeking out extra resources and solutions to challenging problems. Anay cares about his welfare and wills the good of his classmates and teammates. His positivity and enthusiasm are contagious. Through his propensity for doing the right thing, his commitment to excellence, and his treating others with kindness and respect, Anay has created a foundation for future success at the post-secondary level and beyond! Congratulations Anay!!!!
Mrs. Maloney nominates Jack Grayson AP Bio Crusader of the Week. One of my favorite sayings is a line from JD Salinger's book, Catcher in the Rye - "You're a gentleman and a scholar, kid." The person that comes to mind when I hear that line is senior Jack Grayson. Jack's respectful demeanor, outstanding work ethic, attentiveness in class, quiet good humor, and solid Christian values stand out, even in a class of fabulous AP BIO scholars. Although his classmates call him Skipper, I find the nickname 'Gentleman and Scholar' suits him best. Congratulations Jack!
Academic Showcase/Clubs

Sophomores are practicing what they know about similar figures by designing scale drawings and blueprints. This is a fun way to incorporate math concepts into real-world situations!

English III Students play with the Language of Poe
After studying diction and "singular effect" in Edgar Allan Poe's writing, juniors in Period 5 English III with Mrs. Gonzalez played with language using "The Raven" mad libs.
Athletic News

Congratulations to the 2023 State Swim Team
The athletic department would like to congratulate our 2023 swim state team members. The following swimmers will compete in the KHSAA State Championships on February 17 & 18 at the Lancaster Aquatic Center in Lexington, Kentucky.
2023 SHDHS State Team
Julianne Dirst - 200 Medley Relay
Alexis Fassbender - 100 Back, 200 Medley Relay, 200 Free Relay,
Sara Kleier - 200 Free, 400 Free Relay
Emma Littrell - 50 & 100 Free 200 Free Relay, 400 Relay
Sara Littrell - 50 Free, 100 Fly, 200 Medley Relay, 200 Free Relay
Ameliya Lynn - 50 & 100 Free, 200 Free Relay, 400 Free Relay
Rachel Stanchek 200 IM, 100 Fly 200 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay
Austin Cutcher 200 Free, 500 Free 200 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay
Kayden Durrett 200 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay
Lake Durrett 50 Free, 100 Free, 200 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay
Charlie Lange 200 Free, 200 Medley Relay, 400 Free Relay

Congratulations to our Region 9 Swim & Dive Champions
Emma Littrell - 50m & 100m Freestyle
Austin Cutcher - 500m Freestyle
Coach Dressman - Region 9 Girls Coach Of The Year
Booster Meeting, February 27 at 6:30 pm in room #105.
Spring Coaches/Parent Meeting - Spring Meet the Coaches/ Parent meeting will be held on Monday, March 6, at 7:00 pm in the auditorium. Parents will meet with Mr. Schneider to be given information regarding spring sports and then divide up into team meetings with the coach.
CRU Nation
St Henry District High School Athletic Boosters
Please mark your calendar. The Boosters are selling mulch, and we will deliver it to your home! The delivery date will be the weekend of April 21. We will begin taking orders on February 19. Details will be available at CruMulch.com. We would greatly appreciate your business!
St. Henry District High School athletics is excited to open Freshman baseball & softball tryouts to 7th and 8th-grade diocesan student-athletes. All student-athletes must have an up-to-date KHSAA physical on file and register via FinalForms. To register and find necessary student-athlete paperwork, please visit https://athletics.shdhs.org/ and register your athlete via the "Athlete Registration" link.
If you have specific questions about the baseball or softball programs, please reach out to the Head Coach:
Greg Pass | Baseball Head Coach | gpass.ath@shdhs.org
Misty Feigh | Softball Head Coach | mistyfeigh@gmail.com
Counselors Corner
Attention: Current Parents of 9, 10, and 11 graders
2023-2024 Course request process/updated Slides
You received an email from the counseling team about the 2023-2024 course request process. You also received a PowerPoint presentation that contained an error about one of NKU's dual credit pathways. The slide has been revised. Click here to view the updated version.
I want to take this opportunity to reiterate that students will not be allowed to take a dual credit class if we offer an AP class with the same title. For example, students must take Psychology or AP Psychology at SHDHS; they will not be allowed to take Psychology 101 dual credit.
February 15: Deadline for submitting 2023-2024 course requests
**please get in touch with the counselor working with your student's grade level if you have questions about their 2023-2024 course requests.**
Current Freshmen: Mrs. Roebker mroebker@shdhs.org
Current Sophomores & Juniors:
Mr. Sarge: Last name beginning A-L bsarge@shdhs.org
Mr. Reeves: Last name beginning M-Z creeves@shdhs.org
If you'd like to schedule an in-person, Google Meet, or phone call appointment with the counselor working with your student's grade level, please use our online scheduling tool.
St. Elizabeth Internship Information for Junior Parents
St. Henry District High School has partnered with St. Elizabeth Healthcare's High School
Senior Internship Program. SHDHS is one of the few Diocese of Covington High Schools
involved with this program, and we are looking forward to working with St. Elizabeth again
for the 2023 – 2024 school year.
As a part of St. Henry District High School's internship selection process, rising seniors
must be reviewed by the SHDHS committee first before moving on to the St. Elizabeth
committee. Students interested in the program are required to complete the SHDHS application and submit a 500-word essay. If an application is approved to move onto the St. Elizabeth committee, the student will be asked to request two letters of recommendation from a teacher or school principal.
Completed applications must be shared with Mr. Billy Sarge in the counseling department
before 1st period on Wednesday, February 15. *Please note the SHDHS deadline is
different from the one listed on the St. Elizabeth website.
Requirements set by SHDHS to apply for the program are:
- Grade Point Average 3.0+ (weighted or unweighted)
- Exceptional Attendance Record
Visit the St. Elizabeth High School Senior Internship Program link for more information. You
will notice the link lists different Program 'Tracks' offered to student interns. However, the
only tracks SHDHS students can apply to are our Patient Care, Business, Marketing /
Communications and Information Technology.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Billy Sarge in the Counseling Department
at bsarge@shdhs.org.
Diocese Dual Credit Information Night
Thomas More University, Northern Kentucky University, and Gateway Community and Technical College will present a special Diocese of Covington Dual Credit Information Night. If anyone is interested in learning more about dual credit options at any of these three institutions, submit the RSVP form and attend.
Location: Thomas More University
Date: Thursday, February 23
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
RSVP Link: https://apply.thomasmore.edu/register/dualcreditinfonight
Scholarship Update
Senior Parents,
The following document includes a list of current scholarships offered to SHDHS students. This LIVE document will be updated yearly as scholarships come through the counseling office. Links to download applications and links to apply directly are provided. The last page will always be a list of helpful websites. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cPIVNE4EyhfiUrxY81K4JqioK4N7RtRyzUMDugkuUJk/edit?usp=sharing
Graduation 2023
Senior Portrait Information for the Class of 2023
Class of 2023, formal senior pictures will be taken by Jostens on March 14, 2023, at Saint Henry District High School. Students and parents will be informed of the expected dress code for that day. Jostens will also offer a backup date for any senior student that may not be present. These pictures will be used for the yearbook and graduation ceremonies by SHDHS. Parents will be able to purchase these pictures.
If you have any questions, please contact Polyana Seguim at pseguim@shdhs.org for more information.
May 20 - Crusader En Blanc (Seniors only) time change
The Crusader en blanc time has changed from 6-10 to 5-9 pm. Parents are welcome to stay from 5-6 pm. Plan to visit the art gallery for the art show beginning at 4:00 pm.
Senior Parents, watch for emails on the above upcoming dates. For questions, email Toni Lehan at Tlehan@shdhs.org.
Campus Ministry

Seniors ended Catholic Schools Week with a game of "Catholic Conveyor Belt Speed Share," not to be confused with speed dating!
Senior Retreat parent letters to your students are due by February 15 if your student is on the February 21-22 retreat. This is confidential, so please do not let your student know you are writing this letter. Send all letters to the front office or email them to Annie Poat at anniepoat@shdhs.org.
The last junior retreat is coming up on February 27-28. More details will follow for all parents with students attending this retreat. Contact Annie for questions at anniepoat@shdhs.org.
Grandparent Masses
Please invite grandparents (or grandparent figures) to the annual grandparent Mass(es)! Each grade level will celebrate Mass in the auditorium. Grandparents will be seated at 9:45 am, and Mass starts at 10:00 am, followed by a light refreshment/reception. For questions, please email Annie Poat (Campus Minister) at anniepoat@shdhs.org. Please click here to sign up.
- Senior - Wednesday, March 8
- Junior - Tuesday, March 28
- Sophomore - Tuesday, April 4
- Freshman - Tuesday, April 25
CRU BASH Volunteer - White Hours
The CRU BASH is a parent/alums/faculty/community social event that will raise necessary funds for our school as well as the FEC. The FEC needs student and adult supervising volunteers to help make our upcoming CRU BASH a success. Students will receive service hours for their time and efforts. These service hours will count as white hours. Thank you!
When: February 17 (shifts vary from 6:00 pm-midnight)
Sign Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AA4AE2DAAFC1-crubash

The Catholic Schools Week volleyball game ended with a tie. Freshmen and Seniors won the first game, and Sophomores and Juniors won the second.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Environment Office is excited to host Mr. Stephen Smith with "A Wired Family" for two
upcoming presentations. Are you the parent, guardian, grandparent, teacher, coach, or caregiver to children, 'tweens, or teens? If so, this presentation will open your eyes to the dangers that may lurk on the other side of the screen. These presentations are FREE and open to all adults in our community who want more information and guidance on these topics. To learn more about Mr. Smith and his organization, please visit awiredfamily.org
St. Henry District High School- Monday, February 27, 7:00 pm -9:00 pm
Bishop Brossart High School- Tuesday, March 7, 7:00 pm -9:00 pm
Need more information? Call 859-392-1515.

STOP Tipline: https://kycss.org/hotlines/
AT A Glance events
February 17 - OOU - Duggan (Alumni) Family
February 17 - Cru Bash
February 20 - President's Day - no classes
February 21 and 22 - Senior Retreat
February 22 - Ash Wednesday Mass, 10:00 am
February 24 - OOU - MQH Food Pantry
February 27 and 28 - Junior Retreat
February 27 - Boosters Meeting, room #105, 6:30 pm
March 1 - 9:15 am late arrival for students
March 3 - NO first Friday Mass - regular day
March 4 - BINGO, 11:30 am
2022-2023 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 22-23 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our Platinum Sponsors.