2023-2024 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 23-24 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Transfer upperclassmen are invited to an orientation on Monday, August 7, 9:30 - 11:30 am. Lunch will be served. Parents are invited to the New parent orientation on Wednesday, August 9, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
All freshmen and parents are invited to attend the New Student/Parent Orientation on Wednesday, August 9, 6:30- 8:00 pm.
Student drivers will be required to park in designated areas. Juniors should park in the lot at the far end of campus, to the right of the main entrance. Seniors should park in the lot next to the Fine Arts Building.
Some classes require students to purchase books and supplementary materials. Items will be available in their classrooms during the first week of school. Please note that your FACTS account will invoice your students’ supplementary materials. Next week's newsletter will have the updated list of supplementary materials for viewing.
If your student requires prescription medicine during the school day, please click here to complete the online consent form by August 11, 2023. A parent must drop medication off at the front office.
If your student has allergies or special dietary needs (e.g., a Gluten-free diet), please click here and download the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and return to the school by August 11, 2023.
Incoming and Transfer Student Chromebooks
Chromebooks will be available for students to pick up from 9 am - 1 pm on the below dates:
Aug. 7- 11
If you still need to purchase a Chromebook, click here to purchase. Log in to the portal and click on Purchase a Chromebook. If you have questions, please contact the Technology Department at [email protected].
School begins at 7:45 am. Students will enter at the main school entrance. The school opens at 7:00 am. Please pull up, as close as possible, to the circle in front of the main entrance for morning drop-off. For after-school pickup, please park in a marked parking space in the main lot (do not park in the fire lane or front circle). Students will have a staggered release beginning at 2:37 pm. Please stay in your car when picking up your student from practices or after-school activities. All students should be picked up by 3:00 pm unless they are involved in an activity immediately after school. Thank you for following these simple procedures to help keep all our students safe.
We wanted to inform you of a change we will make this year regarding school-issued lockers. We will continue to allow students to carry their backpacks throughout the day and provide a locker for all students. In the past, we have required all students to have locks on their lockers. However, most students did not utilize their locks as intended. After much discussion and getting student input, we have decided not to issue a lock to all students but make it optional at the student's request, a cost of $5. If your child wishes to have a lock for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete the Google form below and agree to the terms.
Lock Request (Everyone will receive a locker)
Reporting Tardy, Absence
We have a 24-hour message system for parents to report students who are tardy or absent. Please call the main office anytime, day or night, at 859-525-0255, press zero (0), and follow the instructions.
Absentee Notes Required
Upon returning from an absence period (whole or half-day), a student must bring a note from their parents or guardian. A note is required even if parents pick up their child or talk to the office by phone. This note must include the following information:
- Date the note was written;
- Student’s first and last name;
- Date of absence;
- The specific reason for the absence;
- Signature of parent/guardian.
Please email this information to the [email protected] or deliver a printed copy to the front office.
Please wait until school starts and students meet with their teachers to review the syllabus for each class before purchasing supplies.
School Uniforms - The uniform policy is on page 42 in the Student Handbook.
Service Hours - If you have any questions about Service Hours, please direct your questions to Mr. Z at [email protected].
Incoming freshmen should keep a personal record of the service they do. Keep a record of (1) the agency you served with, (2) the number of hours you served for, and (3) the contact information (email or phone number) of somebody at the agency who can confirm your presence. When you arrive at school, we will help you set up a MobileServe account associated with SHDHS and will help you log any summer service hours.
As a reminder to all students, here is a description of the difference between Red Hours and White Hours. Red Hours include direct and on-site service at non-profit agencies that benefit people who are poor, sick, vulnerable, or otherwise marginalized in society. White Hours is a service at a parish, school, or civic community that benefits that institution or community.
Picture Day is scheduled for Tuesday, August 22, during the school day. Students can wear a nice shirt or spirit wear with their uniform pants.