The SHDHS Golf Outing is starting a new tradition this year. We are combining forces between Athletics and Advancement/Alumni to make this a schoolwide fundraiser to help cover expenses throughout the school. The money from this year’s event will go toward repairs to cafeteria equipment, upgrading safety equipment at the school, and purchasing a Gator for field maintenance.
Over the past 12 years, the SHDHS Golfathon has raised more than $700,000.00 to benefit our athletes and the school. These items include:
- Purchasing a new van for the athletic teams, school clubs, and classes to use throughout the year
- Construction of the stadium press box and storage shed facility behind the softball field
- Renovations and purchase of team equipment for the SHAC
- Installation of soundboards and acoustic panels in the SHDHS gym
- Financial support for the Virgin Mary Grotto, the final piece of the “Building on Excellence, Guided by Faith” expansion project
Since the Golf Outing is now a combined, schoolwide effort, we no longer depend solely on the athletic teams to raise money. We are all taking part. This is where you come in. In addition to monetary donations, we need bottles of higher-end bourbon and items for silent auction baskets. To make this easy and convenient for you, we have created an Amazon Wish List. Please click here to view and purchase items if you feel inclined. The items will ship directly to SHDHS.
Information from the Front Office
At A Glance, Important upcoming important dates
9/18-19 - Junior Retreat
9/22 - Playing for A Purpose - at Boone County School, 4:30, 5:30 & 7:00 pm
9/25 - Booster Meeting, 6:30 pm
9/25-29 - Spirit Week
9/28 - Homecoming Tailgate, CRUnite, Homecoming Court Presented, Soccer Games
9/29 - Early dismissal, 1:00 pm
9/29 - Homecoming Dance
10/2 - SHDHS Golf Outing 2023 - REGISTER NOW!
10/6 - First Friday Early Dismissmal - 1:00 pm|
10/7 - FEC Bingo
10/9 - CRU Preview Day
10/10 - Freshman Retreat (St. Barbara)
10/13 - NO CLASSES
10/17 - Sophomore Retreat
10/17 - ACT Test
10/17 - FEC CRU-Bash planning kick-off meeting, 6:30pm
10/19 - Picture Retake Day
10/20 - Out of Uniform Day - $2
10/23-26 - Red Ribbon Week
10/23 - Booster Meeting, 6:30pm
10/24 - PSAT Test
10/24-25 - Senior Retreat
10/27 - Out of Uniform Day $2
2023-2024 School Calendar
Click here for a quick look at the 23-24 pdf school calendar. Subscribe to our school calendar by clicking here for all up-to-date information.
Crusaders of the Week
Mr. Fay nominates senior Jake Elfers AP Chemistry's Crusader of the Week.
"Jake is a very tenacious young man. Whether in the classroom or on the field, he does not let obstacles stop him from pursuing his goals. When he gets knocked down, he gets back up again. In AP Chemistry, Jake works diligently every day to engage with the content so that he can improve his understanding of it. If he struggles to solve a problem, he keeps trying, uses his resources, and then if necessary asks for help. I am excited to have him in class again this year!" Congratulations Jake!
Mrs. Reding nominates freshman Mckenna Hartwig, Algebra 2 Honors' Crusader of the Week.
"Since Week 1, Mckenna has been coming to class prepared and ready to learn. Not only is she tackling the challenges of an honors-level math class, but she is successfully learning how to navigate the ins and outs of high school life.
Most importantly though, Mckenna is kind and respectful. She truly is a great example of what it means to be a Crusader classmate, student, and friend.
Thank you for being a positive influence in our 3rd period class! Keep up the great work!" Congratulations Mckenna!
Advancement Department
Experience a day in the life of a St. Henry District High School student. Prospective 7th or 8th grade students or transfer students can register to spend a school day on the SHDHS campus, attend classes, eat lunch, speak with teachers, and visit with other students. There is something for everyone at SHDHS! Spaces are limited. Please register at https://shdhs.org/admissions/visit-shdhs/.
Family Tours are an excellent way for families to walk the school and have those one-on-one conversations with the principal. The family tours are usually after the regular school day has ended. They typically last about an hour and a half. Families can schedule a tour of SHDHS. https://shdhs.org/admissions/visit-shdhs/.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
We invite 7th & 8th grade students to join us Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. for CRUnite, a tailgate party for prospective 7th and 8th grade students before the SHDHS Homecoming soccer games. There will be games and a tailgate BBQ. 7th and 8th grade students who register by September 15 will get a free t-shirt, too! Click here to register.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
3rd to 8th Grade students are invited to the SHDHS vs. St. Ursula Volleyball Game. Games are at 5:00pm, 6:00pm, & 7:00pm. Meet the SHDHS Volleyball team! Wear a volleyball team uniform shirt and get in free!
Sunday, November 19, 2023
6th, 7th, & 8th grade families
Registration will open in October
Homecoming Dance
Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale Now!!
All SHDHS students are invited to the 2023 Homecoming Dance on Friday, September 29, at Receptions in Erlanger, KY. Tickets cost $40; the deadline to purchase tickets is Tuesday, September 19. Students are allowed to bring a guest as long as that guest is in high school or graduated from high school in 2023. They can arrive beginning at 6:30 PM but must be present by 7:30 PM. Students and guests may not leave until after 9:30 p.m.
If an SHDHS student is bringing a guest who attends a different high school, then you will need to enter their principal’s name and email address on the ticket purchase form. Their principal will be asked to give their approval of that guest’s attendance at our Dance. The guest is encouraged to check with their principal to ensure the approval form was completed in a timely manner.
Click here to purchase tickets
FEC News
Homecoming Tailgate
Save-the-date! Our 3rd annual HOCO Tailgate will take place on Thursday 9/28 from 4:30-6:30 outside the cafeteria! All students, parents/families and alumni are invited! We are again partnering with Go Pantry for admission to the Tailgate and Soccer games for the evening. Please see the attached flyer for more details and plan to come and party with the CRU!
Homecoming Tailgate - Help Needed!
The FEC needs volunteers to help set-up, clean-up, prep/serve food and beverages, and monitor rented inflatable yard games at our upcoming HOCO Tailgate on 9/28. We also need to borrow some giant sized and regular sized yard games for the evening. Please see the following sign-up for more details and to volunteer - thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AA4AE2DAAFC1-fechoco1
The following FEC meeting dates/times have been set based on the survey results. All meetings will take place in the media center at school. We would LOVE to see an increase in attendance this year as our best ideas seem to be generated when in-person and working together, so mark your calendars today!
Monday 11/6, 6 pm
Monday 1/8, 7 pm
Tuesday 3/5, 6 pm
CRU BASH (Parent Gala/Fundraiser on 3/16/24) kick-off meeting - Tuesday 10/17, at
6:30 pm
Athletic News
Campus Ministry News
September Junior Retreat Reminders
Any students on the September Junior retreat who has any dietary restrictions, please email Annie Poat at [email protected]. Students are encouraged to bring snacks to share (bags of chips, fruit snacks, granola bars).
Saint Joseph of Cupertino’s feast day is on September 18 (the first day of our retreat). He is a wonderful saint who is known for levitating in prayer, being obedient and humble to God’s will, and for his simplicity of spirit. He is also known as the patron saint of students. In anticipation of your student’s upcoming retreat, I highly encourage you to read more about Saint Joseph of Cupertino and to pray his Novena for your student to have a blessed and transformative retreat experience. Here is the link to begin the Novena: https://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-joseph-cupertino-novena
Retreat Dates and Reminders: Click here for more information/permission slips
SUMMIT 23 High School Youth Retreat
October 6 – 8, 2023, at Notre Dame Academy (not an overnight retreat)
Summit 23 Retreat is coming up fast! It is a weekend long retreat for High School Students from all over the area to come to pray, learn, praise, and socialize! The retreat has a fresh, lively format that engages young people in music, prayer, and discussion centered around the Eucharist. Lead by Angie and Stephen Poat and Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and Chaplain Fr. AJ Gedney
I highly encourage you to attend either as a core team member or a retreatant. If you decide to be a core team member you can earn white service hours! Check out the flyer and QR code for more information! RSVP by Sept. 20 (early bird discount). Walk-in registration is accepted (but not preferred). Registration for retreatants, core team, and chaperones: www.covdio.org/Summit23
Please contact Angie Poat, Diocesan Youth Minister, for more information. [email protected]; office 859-392-1590
Grandparent Masses
Please invite grandparents (or grandparent figures) to the annual grandparent Mass(es)! Each grade level will celebrate Mass in the auditorium. Grandparents will be seated at 9:45 am, and Mass starts at 10 am, followed by a light refreshment/reception. For questions, please email Annie Poat (Campus Minister) at [email protected].
- Senior - Tuesday, March 7
- Junior - Thursday, March 21
- Sophomore - Thursday, April 11
- Freshman - Tuesday, April 23
Counselors Corner
Governor's Scholars Program - JUNIORS
Juniors are invited to attend the Governor's Scholars Program (GSP) Informational Session during Flex Time on Friday, September 22, 2023. The Counseling Department will go over the application process, deadlines, an overview of GSP, and answer any questions junior students may have. Students must sign up in advance through the Flex Time SOS system to attend the Info Session. Please contact Billy Sarge in the Counseling Department if you have any questions.
Sophomore Class
Ms. Craddock was in the Sophomore English classes on 9/11 and 9/12 to talk to the sophomores about "Looking Toward the Future". This lesson encompassed a lot of topics including school success skills, positive ways to engage in the use of social media, the importance of transcripts to colleges, and how to calculate your GPA. A copy of the lesson (click on the graphic) as well as the data from the pre- and post-tests are linked below.
Data From the Pre- and Post-tests
Freshman Class
Ms. Craddock was in the Freshmen Cru 101 classes on 9/14 to talk about positive ways to engage in the use of social media. She also briefly touched on healthy coping skills for when students are dealing with depression and anxiety, as this week was suicide prevention week. After that lesson, a student panel of Juniors and Seniors answered questions for the freshmen about social media, time management, clubs/sports, how to succeed in high school and beyond, and more. It was amazing! The student panel did a phenomenal job, and the freshmen were able to hear from students who have been in the exact same position they are in right now. A copy of the lesson (click on the graphic) as well as the data from the pre- and post-tests are linked below.
Data From the Pre- and Post-tests
Learning Opportunities currently available to students NKY.
Healthcare Opportunity with St. Elizabeth – AmeriCorps Program
Healthcare Expose with the Health Collaborative – HealthFORCE 2023
Junior Firefighter Program with Edgewood Fire/EMS
Woodshop Program for female students – Oh She Built That
Healthcare Opportunity with St. Elizabeth – Volunteer Program
Classroom Showcase/Club News
Brian Smith : [email protected]
Mark VonBokern : [email protected]
There will be an Informational Meeting Notice for CruBotics & Engineering Club Parents Wednesday, September, 20th, 2023 in the SHDHS Auditorium at 6:30pm ~ 8:00pm
SHDHS is receiving a Little Free Library with a grant but we need your help! If you have any appropriate books to donate to add to our selection, we would appreciate it!
School Play
It Was a Dark and Spooky Night…
SHDHS Theater proudly announces the fall production: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Hurry to Drees Homes Auditorium to experience the fearful tale of schoolmaster Ichabod Crane and his encounter with the Headless Horseman. One thing is for sure: it will be a ride to remember! Save the Date: November 3-5, 2023.
Additional Resources
We want to thank all of our Platinum Sponsors.