Applications for the Regional Youth Leadership (RYL) Class of 2026 are now open to current high school sophomores. RYL is a leadership development program for high school students during their junior year. Students will be selected to participate in monthly sessions examining topics such as arts & culture, economic development, local government, and more.
The program will run from September 2025 through March 2026, with monthly sessions occurring during the school day. Each session is held at a different business or organization throughout the region and is led by community and business leaders.
The application deadline is February 1, 2025. For more information and the application form click here. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sydney Allender at sallender@shdhs.org
The ZooTeen program is perfect for teenagers ages 13-17 who are passionate about nature, animals, and conservation! As ZooTeen, students will dive into a world of adventure, building knowledge and gaining hands-on experience while connecting with people. They will develop leadership and professional skills while having a blast working with others in education programs, engaging with Zoo visitors, collecting community science data, and getting involved in the community.
Applications for Summer 2025 are open until January 31, 2025. The volunteering season runs from May to August 2025, with additional opportunities to continue into the fall through our year-round program.
Apply by visiting http://cincinnatizoo.org/support/volunteer under the ZooTeen tab.
For students concerned about transportation, the Zoo is accessible by several Go-Metro bus routes. They can provide free bus passes to Summer participants who need them to support their commute.
Commonwealth Honors Academy is a three-week academic enrichment experience offered during the summer where rising seniors earn college-level honors credits, participate in social and personal growth seminars, take field trips to enhance their classroom experience, and so much more. Cri eria to apply: - Current juniors - GPA 3.5 - ACT 25 Application Deadline is March 1, 2025. Visit https://www.murraystate.edu/cha/ for more information about the Commonwealth Honors Academy program.
The Governor's Entrepreneurs application is now open!
This program is open to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who want to learn more about leadership, work in groups, improve their communication and presentation skills, explore different business areas, and so much more!
The application deadline is Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Below is a link to their website with details about the application process.
Click here for a list of scholarship opportunities. This document will be updated whenever new information is shared with us. Please make sure your senior checks this document regularly to find ways to help pay for college.