Dear Crusader Families,

Message from PowerSchool SIS

Dear PowerSchool SIS Customer,

Thank you for your continued patience and partnership as we address the recent cybersecurity incident. Over the last few weeks, we have been focused on assessing the scope of data involved, making further enhancements to our cybersecurity defenses, and developing a plan to help you and our shared community.

As a PowerSchool SIS customer whose information was involved, I am writing to provide you with updates on several important next steps:

Identity Protection and Credit Monitoring Services: PowerSchool has engaged Experian a trusted credit reporting agency, to offer complimentary identity protection and credit monitoring services to all students and educators whose information from your PowerSchool SIS was involved. This offer is being provided regardless of whether an individual’s Social Security number was exfiltrated.

Notifications: Starting in the next few weeks, PowerSchool will be handling notifications to involved individuals and relevant state attorney general offices.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by using the link below. 

Contact SHDHS -


Jorge L. Carbwood
Director of Technology

St. Henry District High School
859-525-0255 ext. 2820
3755 Scheben Drive
Erlanger, KY 41018


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