Dear Cru Parents,
Grandparents (or grandparent figures) are invited to join us at the annual Grandparent Mass(es)! Each grade level will celebrate Mass in the auditorium. Grandparents will be seated at 9:45 am. Mass starts at 10 am, followed by donuts/coffee/juice. The Spirit Store will be open (a special Grandparent shirt will be available), and upon request, tours will be provided for grandparents by our Student Ambassadors. For questions, please email Annie Poat (Campus Minister) at
Senior - February 13
Junior - February 27
Sophomore - March 13
Freshman -March 27
Please click here to register for the upcoming Masses.
Thank you,
Campus Ministry
St. Henry District High School
3755 Scheben Drive
Erlanger, KY 41018